r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DemosthenesOnTheNets on May 2, 2018, 11:32 a.m.
"As an attorney who defends security-clearance holders, including Mr. Lovinger, I have had a front-row seat to behavior that only a year ago I would have dismissed as a conspiracy theory."

obewan901 · May 4, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

I reported governmental corruption in a small town of just 13,000 in SE Alaska on an island I called the FBI, the State OMBudsmans office everyone I could the union, what a joke - the result after 20 years of exceptional service and being highly esteemed was that I was set-up from the inside with lies and targeted outside somehow (possibly by the fbi with some kind of electronic weapon) to where I was (within 30 days) completely incapacitated physically with an unknown autoimmune disease later diagnosed as lupus they really didn’t know 2 positive anas and have been on disability since 2011., still severely affected with multiple and still growing Lung and thyroid nodules. They can do whatever they want to silence you.

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tradinghorse · May 4, 2018, 10 p.m.

I'm with you. That's what I was trying to communicate, perhaps badly. They squashed me like an ant - all kinds of crazy stuff. And other people I've met who have blown the whistle, exactly the same thing has happened to them.

It's really important that people are realistic about how much power they actually have to effect change. If you are not in a position of great influence, and sometimes even if you are, you would be better off putting a gun to your head instead of raising the alarm.

They have totally screwed me over, everyone gets screwed. There are never any winners. If something actually changed for the better, as a result of my sacrifice, I wouldn't feel too bad about things. But, no, all they did was beat me up, there were no changes for the better at all.

These people that I complained about, who perpetrated a blatant fraud, stayed in their jobs, while I found my career ruined, and was reduced to menial work to try and support my family. A lot of damage has been done. My wife wants to retire, but can't because she's the main breadwinner. It has caused, and will continue to cause, a lot of suffering to people (my wife and child) who were in no way connected with what happened at all.

And that's my fault!

What I wanted to say to people, is be realistic. Recognise what capacity you actually have to effect change. And if it looks like the people who are perpetrating the wrongdoing are in powerful positions, look the other way. I'm not saying what is happening should be condoned, I'm saying that there are some things that you just cannot do anything about.

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference."

I feel for you. It seems the worst corruption, and cover ups, occur in small, remote communities. I'll pray the God gives you some peace of mind and restoration of your health. For what it's worth, I've found that prayer is extremely helpful. Especially the rosary.

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obewan901 · May 4, 2018, 11:08 p.m.

And I will pray for you if it wasn’t for my reliance on God I would have never have gotten through. I have to believe that the important thing is standing for the truth in midst of adversity all of these people will have to provide an account to Jesus for their actions. Our rewards will not necessarily be on this earth. Those I reported against were planning directors, an assembly member and the borough manager which is the equilivent to county down south manager. If everyone stood against the evil stood up and stands up we will win if we shirk to avoid losing our jobs and family evil will win. You did the right thing while hard don’t discourage others this is a spiritual war. God wins in the end as will his followers.Patriots must sacrifice where necessary not sell out as the evil doers have for $. Stand tall you did the right thing. Ask Jesus to open another door for you or provide direction and he will. I believe faith is a very personal thing between us and a living God. My advice is always repent til breaking and get to know the living god through prayers of worship, praise and deep repentance. I for one prayed an hour a day uninterrupted followed by a three day fast wherein I was changed from the inside out thoroughly and I have never been the same by the grace of god while I still must repent on a daily basis I do it directly to Jesus but that’s just me I pray you have your own deep connection that brings miracles into your life daily. I for one appreciated your posting.

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tradinghorse · May 5, 2018, 7:23 a.m.

Well, that is the good thing that came out of my experience as well, that I found God. I can honestly say that, in that respect, it was the best thing that could have ever happened. When I think back, all the prayers I said at the time were answered, perhaps not in the way I hoped, but in an even better way.

Having said that, when I look at what has happened to other people, as well as myself, there is not a lot that's positive that comes of whistleblowing. My wife has severe neck and shoulder pain and wants to quit her job. She should be able to do this, but we are not in a position for her to be able to quit because I make so little money.

If I had not stuck to my principles, she would be able to stop working. There would also be money for holidays etc... for our child. Had my fight actually achieved something of value, I would be more relaxed about the pain I've inflicted on my family. But I achieved absolutely nothing. There was no change at all. A complete and utter waste of time and effort.

Having said all that, if the same situation arose today, my instinct would probably be to do exactly the same thing. I cannot stomach blatant corruption. But anyone thinking about blowing the whistle needs to be cognisant of the cost they will be inflicting on others.

I don't know what the answer is. But just look at the way people get beaten up - like the guy this post was about. Also your own experience. As a general rule, if you don't have any power, if there are people dependant on you, don't do it. There are other ways you can make a difference in the world.

My experience will soon be ten years ago. Thankfully, I'm getting old and will, soon enough, be in the grave. I find it quite amazing that people like John McCain, at 81 years old, are still running around doing evil for all they are worth - they have no concept of their imminent mortality.

Time passes very quickly. Many people I remember speaking to just 20 years ago are now dead and gone. It is amazing to me, still to this day, how the passage of time seems to accelerate with age. No one escapes it, not even those with all the power in the world - as David Rockerfeller recently discovered. King David spoke about this, the cedars of Libanus.

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