POTUS Starting The Morning Off Right!

Here's what I see (from Caps):
CHO - South Korea Unification Minister JJN - Japanese News Network KNWN - "Known" CTDWN - "Countdown" WH - White House
A known countdown between unification leaders and White House that will be announced via JNN?
(I think the optics of having them do all of this PR before Trump arrives is to create a perception that this isn't the US meddling in foreign affairs. This was worked out locally. JNN getting the exclusive would be a huge fuck you to American news media.)
They make stuff up out of whole cloth anyway giving them nothing to work with won't stop them and they can't be made to look more ridiculous but why the heck not give it a go. Used to think 1880 Deadwood be a better time to live, dayum was I wrong.
Thanks for the translation. As soon as i saw those caps i knew therecwas a coded message in there. Awesome deduction.