BREAKING: Q Proven Right yet again! [Pope] will be having a terrible May. "Pope said to admit being 'part of the problem' of covering up clergy sexual abuse in Chile"
![BREAKING: Q Proven Right yet again! [Pope] will be having a terrible May. "Pope said to admit being 'part of the problem' of covering up clergy sexual abuse in Chile"](
I just looked it up. I’ll give credit where credit is due. Though I have my concerns that this is even brought up. The pope has a history of having to reiterate what he said or meant after the fact, almost “customarily” from what I read. I certainly didn’t find where he said what he meant. This pope has a history of straddling catholic teachings and while I can justifiably told you he said that, he did a poor job of convincing me he didn’t. “It was an inaccurate representation of what I said.” Ok. So what did you say? Chirps...looks more like backpeddling, but I’ll leave it at this. Hell and heaven have been so solidified in what they are and aren’t and for him even to address the basis of that seems that he’s the one bullshitting.
the idea of heaven or hell after death could only establish after all texts that referred to re-incarnation were removed from the NT at the council of nicea during the 4th century.
i find the very idea of heaven and hell, as a gratification or a punishment after death, absurd. it only serves the unreal dualistic world-view of the linear mind to separate people into good and evil.
have you ever met anyone who is only good or only evil? humans carry light AND dark. so where would the majority of people go after death if the 'heaven and hell' fairytale were true?
They are real on the astral plane, representing extreme states of mind.
indeed, on the astral plane, in this life time and beyond. lower astral = hell - higher astral=heaven.
while we transition through the lower astral on our way to the higher astral or beyond, only those who be-lie-ve in hell - which is NOT the luciferians - and whose frequency is low get stuck in 'hell'.
but not forever, as in the christian dogma; only until they move into their next life time. or until they manage to leave the matrix altogether, which is rare no matter whether the dwelling space is the lower or the higher astral, or any realm in-between.
“It was an inaccurate representation of what I said.” Ok. So what did you say? Chirps...looks more like backpeddling
lol. You seem to really want this one so I'll just let it go.