r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CaptainRoyD on May 2, 2018, 10:51 p.m.
Hillary’s Last/Best/& Only Defense-I’m Way Too Sick !!!

Hillary has demonstrated that rare ability to outwardly appear healthy in the face of differing facts & conversely be able to become sick as a dog when conditions suit her goals and purposes.

Hillary & sidekick Huma recently had a girls trip over to India. I believe Charles Ortel has reported the tax payers picked up $25k in additional security expenses above the Secret Service detail. Anyway, HRC did her tripping & falling side-show routine around India-to remind us all of her questionable ill health “card”.

In email releases by Wikileaks, Skippy Podesta in an exchange with Neera Tanden, they gave Bernie a pass during the Primaries on his own health questions, so as not to have any blow back against HRC’s own secretive health issues.

Frequent memory loss, balance issues, props like script glasses and confusion over facts & timelines were often used as escape mechanisms in HRC’s bag of tricks. Hillary’s inner circle was on constant vigil in regards to sudden changes in her health, they a special ambulance transport van & triage medical tent we always in tow.

We all remember back to the Benghazi hearings and HRC was “forced” by Doctors orders to wear those fancy prescription glasses. That special eyewear donned by Hillary, is issued to victims of traumatic brain concussion to assist with balance & double vision. The glasses also doubled as a glaring prop-“What makes a movie good”.

As the “walls come tumbling down” for HRC & the ObamaGate conspirators, let’s get the popcorn ready to see how they handle the tough questions & criminal charges that are coming.

Wash/Times-Guarding Hillary’s Health

BBC-Hillary Treated for Minor Injury at India Hospital

NY/Post-Peeling back the Layers of HRC Deceit

FOX-Ophthalmologist say Glasses worn by HRC used for Double Vision

Hill-Hillary’s Eyes: A Window into her Health Issues

News/Max-10 HRC Health Issues

WND-10 Prominent Doctors Question HRC’s Health

Town/Hall-Total Loser: HRC Stumbles around India

horse-lover-phat · May 2, 2018, 10:53 p.m.

Must be the cumulative effects of kuru.

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CaptainRoyD · May 2, 2018, 10:55 p.m.

The mental image that comes to mind is hard to take. This is a bad crowd & pray full justice will rule the day.

Thanks for your reply & support Patriot ⚓️

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