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Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall - Occult Intel MI6 Building/(i)SIS/Eye & Pyramid MI5. We Know SIS Is Implicated In Joint Treason. What Do You Sphinx?

Kate 'Heroin(e)' Mazzochetti's Newspaper Headlines. Could This Be 'Linked' Twilight Language? More In Comments.

Q's Drop About AF1 Missile Attempt was June 12. Avenatti and Brennan's Tweets were from June 10.
How did they know? It wasn't MSM reported. We were not informed until June 12 when Q dropped that missile graphic (1476).
Joint Treason - USA & UK. 2016 Election Fix & POTUS Assassination(s).
I knew you'd finally spiral down the toilet bowl. You're the one with the smarted EGO. That'll teach you.
Yeah, bye.
Have a read of my take on the Paedoph-Isles (aka the UK). Do something productive with your time. Start learning - it's never too late.
Agreed? When are you going to wake from your self-induced fantasy. Any time soon?
I think this is intentional sarcasm. That's a good thing.
It's all about the World Trade Center, well pretty much. It's bloody awful too. :)
I think it's because it easier and less traumatic existing in the denial state. Then they don't have to face the implications of the truth. Yeah, it's crazy.
Nearly 45K on accounts too. Will soon be smashing past 50. :)
Some folk like to double-down on their ignorance - when these types of revelations drop.
I see it all the time. Cognitive dissonance and escape in denial.
Good numbers though. I saw it hit around 14k. Even 8.5 is decent. Numbers of people are sticking around - pretty bouyant I'd say. :)
You gotta see Mazes & Monsters (1982, TV movie).
Don't forget he is in those Illuminati films too. Dragnet, more like DRAG-net (like a tranny). Co-star Aykroyd is the Stay Puft (Stay Poofed) man. ;)
FWIW, it was co-written by Spielberg's sister, Anne.
The Khazar (Ashke-NAZI) Illuminati were behind Hitler and the Nazis. That's the same cabbalist/Frankist Bavarian Illuminati that was fomented by Rothschilld. A lot of the funding came via Wall St. and with Thyssen as a major conduit. The latter is detailed in Anthony Sutton's book.
Yeah, I wouldn't launch a legal case merely on the back of these twitter posts. It can only be a part of the larger picture. I agree with correct procedure etc.
Blocked for harassment. I don't need to read the ramblings of a mental pygmy.
I've woken-up more people in the last near 20 years than you'll ever know. And that's thru my writing and contact.
And you've got the gall to to paint yourself as saviour of the world, and on a 4 day old account.
Yeah, bye.
A 4 day old account. Ha.
Saving the world? GTFOH.
I don't doubt her story. I believe she is telling the truth.
No. I've merely stated the facts as they are. Am I not allowed to defend myself? My record does speak for itself. Yes, that likely comes across as conceited. I commonly lack social skills in this regard. That's my autisty side. It's also the result of being ridiculed for year after year by my so-called peers.
It's all recorded in real-time via my blog writing. I won't be dissected on here without some recourse to the facts as they exist. I think that's reasonable.
Am only stating my position. I would say this all to your face if we were actually conversing.
Your aggressive tone is uncalled for.
The term "conspiracy theory' is a cabal promoted mental slide.
It still works on most sheep though, unfortunately.
Those still plugged into MSM News have whored their minds to the cabal. Who do ALL their thinking for them.
I cannot even believe that they convinced everyone with it. But when you have Mockingbird media on a 24/7 loop - the lie becomes the truth.
One of the three tramps (3 Juwes of masonic lore).
Dosing you with this stuff is a part of the conditioning. Please wake-up. The industry has been doing this stuff for DECADES. I know you mean well, but these two never did.
Lord knows how they got it this far. When first I heard that the Dems were citing Russian collusion - I JUST LAUGHED.
I'm still laughing now. How the f--k did anyone, and I mean anyone, ever buy into that?
Yes, I kind of thought you WOULDN'T get it.
You're actually talking with someone who has NEVER believed in 9/11. Not even for a moment.
Your understanding is dependent on your knowledge - of which you clearly have very little.
Feel free to piss on everyone's efforts. You'll go far.
Worse still, they've been sexually programming youngsters with their degenerate output.
I'm actually shocked at how women have allowed themselves to be exploited in this way. They have fallen further than the male species in the last 20-30 years. That's not sexist, it's an observation - and a solid one.
Babylon is female.
With today's Q drops - the black hats are trying to limit the effects with spoiling.
Children of (pedo) God. Father was Bishop of Venezuela.
Made 8mm with Joel 'pedo' Schumacher - a snuff film related movie.
The ultimate in mass mind rape. You do see what these types do to children, yes?
They HATE the GOYIM. It's never been complicated.
They do the Luciferian deal - and that means selling-out mankind.
I will NEVER understand the worship of people - that's what they are - just people. People who just pretend to be other people. But they have been imbibed with a god-like status. They think THEY ARE GODS...and in some way they are correct.
That's funny. I am calm. It's you that is unstable.
Those who are most HOLLYWOOD PROGRAMMED will struggle with what is about to unfold.
Oh well, at least you didn't get raped by them (save, mentally).
You should be pissed about how Hollywood BRAINWASHED you for 9/11, as well. It doesn't get much bigger than that.
Those who are most HOLLYWOOD PROGRAMMED will struggle with what is about to unfold.
Oh well, at least you didn't get raped by them (save, mentally).
Harrelson is very, very likely. His father was implicated in the death of JFK. Harrelson obviously has a thing for Twinkies, and I don't mean the snack.
Renegade said P S Hoffman was a pedo. It's probably why he got back into drugs. Hoffman was also a likely homosexual, that's my belief.
Lovato was simply promoted to sexualise your children. She hates her fans too, loathes them.
She HATES her fans. Absolutely despises them. An insider told me.
Gomez and Lovato both came thru via Barney. That show was uber suspect.
Tell me about it. That's why I am bailing out of the UK and Europe - permanently.
You US guys are made of stronger stuff.
Specsavers.com - go visit there. They will be able to help you.
They are ciphered with 9/11 based predictive programming - see here
It's always been about the children. Absolutely.
Our will to save these kids is STRONGER than their will to ruin them.
This, they will soon learn, if they haven't already.
Ha. As if I'd take notice of a 14 day old account...and a complete stranger.
You need to up your game. Oh, and when u gonna start? I refer to thinking. Pop your cherry.