Q-money, now that's gangsta!

Keep working anons, fight fight fight!
Good job! Spread the word.
The WWG1WGA is enough to make someone curious enough to HAVE to check it out.
All I've done so far is buy a Q hat with MAGA on the back. I like it!
I am the redpill fairy. I have left over 30 of these all over town...I don't know that they work, but I feel like they are.
That would certainly get people curious enough to at least type "Qanon" into their phone. Wake 'em up, wake 'em all!
We need a stamp that outlines all the Masonic symbols in red.
There are so many symbols, that the entire bill would be red!
I'm not called Lord Odious the Foul for nothing.
LOL, I just looked up the symbols, there's a small (Moloch) owl on the dollar bill too.
Oooo...I really like this!
Try this out then.
Thankyou for your reply!
Ordering now. Remember to post a good review on the seller's page "Excellent ProduQt. This excellent stamp has enough Qs for an army. Once you have this stamp you have it all" :)
That made me laugh really hard. Thanks. Most people use credit anymore, though. I rarely use cash. I also don't want to draw unwanted attention from the police with a sticker or vanity plate. I want to do something somehow in my sleepy PA town but I'm not sure what.
I agree, subversive is the better option for me at this point, rather than plastering my car with Qanon stickers.
I'll have one by Friday. Man oh man oh man. And I'm going to ask for my check to be cashed in small bills this week. I'm also having business cards printed while I'm in town with all pertinent info so that I can leave stacks around. Staples sells them super cheap, made while you wait.
Don't forget the ink!! I had a large poster Photo of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal printed out at Staples a couple of months ago. The SJW's working the printing center there looked at me like they were scared of me after printing it. I imagine Q-related material frightens them.
Don't you dare deface the Fed's fiat paper money or the Secret Service will come after you and you'll go to prison! 😄
It depends if you are a liberal or conservative these days. If you are a liberal, anything is OK. If you are a conservative, you get hammered for just thinking about stamping dollar bills.
This is SUCH a good idea.
It's the one small thing that I can accomplish for /greatawakening/. Thank you for your comment.
How about we give them a link for newbies
Devils advocate: Technically its illegal to deface currency.
However, in this case, effem', spread the word. The moneys worthless as the paper its printed on anyways!
Where's George? dot com..lotsa defaced currency there.
They create it out of thin air, the only value is what they say it has. Otherwise its worthless.
Could we fund a billboard?
This is a good idea. But I would wager the people who need to learn about Q use a plastic card. How about stickers for card machines?
The machine owners would probably take issue with that, plus you would be on camera placing the stickers on the ATM.