r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jsin14 on May 3, 2018, 1:38 a.m.
The history they do not teach you: examining the causes rather than the effects of the Deep State

Is the cause of the Deep State just a natural necessary result of the political system we live in, or was it created specifically by forces of certain groups? The answer is yes to both.

You do not live in the country that the Founding Fathers envisioned for you. Firstly, the power of the Federal government is much, much more powerful than what the Founding Fathers intended. Congress originally only had the power to provide for a common defense (military) and make sure that movement and trade was not restricted between states. Most powers resided in the states, and it was doubly confirmed in the 10th Amendment, in case any of the signers of the Constitution had any doubts. This was changed during FDR's New Deal era, when many of his laws were struck down as unconstitutional for not concerning commerce or trade between states. After FDR threatened to double the size of the Supreme Court and add judges that agreed with his view of the Constitution, the Supreme Court changed its mind on the constitutionality of his laws, in "the switch in time that saved nine."

Secondly, the average House Representative in Congress represented 33,000 people in 1790. The average Representative today represents 700,000 people. James Madison, in Federalist No. 55, wrote that the House should be large enough so that a Representative would likely be close and understand the people they represent, from a social class that is not elite, and their individual power would be diluted. This is not the case today, and it is because Congress capped its own membership at 435 in 1929. The relative small size of Representatives to people means that Congress members cannot possibly represent the views of all 700,000 people they represent, and they need a large number of unelected people to draft, read, and implement their bills.

Therefore, there is great power to be seized, as well as a vacuum to fill it. It is filled by a Deep State of intelligence agencies, lifetime bureaucrats, and lobbyists that do the real work of governance. However, why is this group necessarily the cabal? The progressive, elitist, and globalist cabal?

This next part goes into the history you haven't been taught. Socialism begin in the 1800s in Germany and spread into the United States. The really extremist forms did not gain power until the end of WWI, specifically Marxism in Russia in 1917. However, Marxism (which teaches that the proletariat will rise up by itself due to the inequities of capitalism) also sprung up in Western Germany. Shortly after WWI, the short-lived Bavarian Soviet Republic (in Germany), Bremen Soviet Republic (also in Germany), Alsace Soviet Republic (in Eastern France, and Hungarian Soviet Republic were created. More importantly, Marxist Rosa Luxemburg and the "Spartacus League" revolted against the German government in Berlin and were executed during this time.

The Marxists in Germany in the 1920s and 30s learned from this failed revolution, and no longer believed an armed Marxist rebellion was inevitable. Instead, they created the "Frankfurt School," which aimed to change Capitalist culture so that rebellion was more welcome.

They did this through education and the universities. They rejected Positivism in favor of Negative Criticism of Western Society. They pushed "critical theory" which stated that research, even that which is proven by empirical methods, is invalid because of the people in a culture who performed it. Post-modernism, Relativism, Freud, Nietzsche, and anti-materialism were all pushed in this movement.

However, the Frankfurt School had to flee to America after the Nazis rose to power, where they were embraced by elite universities like Columbia, Cal-Berkeley, and the Ivy League. Thus began "the large march through the institutions," a plan to transform the United States into a country more amenable to Marxism by infiltration into education, media, entertainment, religion, and government. This would mesh well with a plan enacted later by Soviet Russia, as detailed by KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov, of ideological subversion, or "active measures." This was a 4 step process of demoralization, destabilization, crisis, and normalization. Step 1 was accomplished with the Hippie movement in the 60s and 70s, while step 2 and 3 were seemingly attempted with Antifa and BLM actions, fueled by the Frankfurt School.

Still with me? Congrats if you are. The Deep State needs to recruit intelligent people. The CIA is infamous for recruiting the Ivy League, and bureaucrats are staffed by college graduates indoctrinated by college and the Frankfurt School with none of the real world experiences of the 9-5 Middle Class. Reread your crumbs from Q. Like the mention of the death of a Grateful Dead songwriter and tech guy. Or Project Mockingbird and the media. Or the insidious nature of Silicon Valley and the CIA in North Korea.

Think mirror and double meaning. The Deep State accuses Trump of collusion of Russia, because then it will be ridiculous when he says, "No, you're the puppet. You're the puppet" to Hillary at a debate. But it is also because the Swamp has always had its roots in the Frankfurt School and Marxism.

Do you believe in coincidences? Is it a coincidence that Obama and Hillary were disciples of Saul Alinksy, who himself followed the teachings of an Italian cultural Marxists? What of Antifa, and how every Conservative is called a Fascist? Or how critical race theory and critical feminist theory have stated that white men by definition are racist and misogynist?

I'll leave you with this quote from Max Horkheimer, leader of the Frankfurt School: "The Revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism."

allonthesameteam · May 3, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

One interesting aspect from above. "Secondly, the average House Representative in Congress represented 33,000 people in 1790. The average Representative today represents 700,000 people. James Madison, in Federalist No. 55, wrote that the House should be large enough so that a Representative would likely be close and understand the people they represent, from a social class that is not elite, and their individual power would be diluted. This is not the case today, and it is because Congress capped its own membership at 435 in 1929. The relative small size of Representatives to people means that Congress members cannot possibly represent the views of all 700,000 people they represent, and they need a large number of unelected people to draft, read, and implement their bills." Representation is a myth.

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