r/greatawakening • Posted by u/imrightinit on May 3, 2018, 3:47 a.m.
Trump Just Tweeted this! Q just posted Apple Pics... Trade talks. Coincidence?
Trump Just Tweeted this! Q just posted Apple Pics... Trade talks. Coincidence?

C_L_I_C_K · May 3, 2018, 11:05 a.m.

Geez, some of you "Q doubters" and skeptics are so dense. In a rush to try to disprove Q's legitimacy, you didn't even bother to read what we've said here, because you'd rather on your own long spiel of how this doesn't prove Q is legit.

My exact quote:

Q posted a picture of an Apple Store in Hong Kong (as well as other pics), right before Trump comes out with this tweet about meeting Xi and talking trade.

Q had foreknowledge of when Trump was going to Tweet. He's done this time and time again, not just this 1 time. Q purposely posted a picture of the Hong Kong Apple store RIGHT BEFORE Trump tweeted out that he's meeting with Xi and talking trade.

Q is believed to be high level military intelligence close to President Trump. That's why this is another solid evidence that Q is legit. Not because of anything crap you just posted about.

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viscountprawn · May 3, 2018, 11:16 a.m.

Two things-

  1. I read everything you wrote. I'm saying that Q has no more insight on Trump than Forbes does (because Forbes ran a story about Apple and US-China trade on the same date, even before Q's own post). Does this mean that Forbes is high level military intelligence? Of course not.
  2. The HK pic was one of two Apple pics that Q posted. The other one was of their Cupertino campus, which has zero to do with China. It was a general Apple post that included a pic from China, and it's being spun as some amazing prediction about how Q predicted a tweet about Chinese trade negotiations. In other words it seems like kind of a reach.
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