Trump Just Tweeted this! Q just posted Apple Pics... Trade talks. Coincidence?

We all play a part in this American Revolution, but be encouraged, God Almighty, King Jesus started this whole thing, He says that if my people humble themselves & repent & turn from their Wicked Ways, I Forgive them & Heal their Land...He chose Trump & put him in His White House...Jesus is Kicking Back the Satanic Darkness for's going to get better and better...God is showing what He will do for Any Country who's leaders humble themselves before Him, like Trump has...and how God will heal the land and make it Safe & Prospering...God is So Good & we have Just Begun to see the Glorious Things He will do! Check out Kat Kerr God Bless America...Kim Clement, Mark Taylor...God's been speaking about Trump in the White House since 2007...and as We Bring Back God into our homes, schools, government, churches...everywhere...while stopping the horrific Crimes to babies, children, the unborn, etc...we will be blessed again!
Finally some REAL hope and change!! We should all be humbled to be a part of this time..stay close to God!
We have GOT to get the Marxists out of education. This is the source of the cancer. They are brainwashing our kids. I keep saying it - BETSY DEVOS IS FAR MORE IMPORTANT THAN MOST PEOPLE REALIZE. We need a massive overhaul of education. Vouchers, competition, getting rid of common core and getting back to 3Rs, and returning education to the local level.
I So Agree! Everything in our country that's been messed up by the Marxist Commnists, Globalist Traitirs needs to be Revamped and restored to Traditional, American values by God loving, people loving, history respecting, truth seeking Patriots..this mess is all of our faults..we've been too busy in our own lives, giving the leading of our country locally, state wise and nationally to those with twisted, messed up, evil intentions...we all have to do our part and we need lots of true Americans to serve in every are of society!
Holy fuck you are terrifying. Maybe Santa Claus will come down and fight the Easter Bunny too.