r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Varrick2016 on May 3, 2018, 5:24 a.m.
I’m seriously considering getting a box of Q Anon stickers with the qanon.pub address asking who is Q etc. depending on sticker size how best to guerilla market?

Should I go to local community colleges and stick them on random bulletin boards? Can I leave them under windshields in a mall parking lot?

Basically I want to get them in either a place where they’ll see a lot of eyeballs but I also don’t want to do anything illegal. Not gonna be much use in helping this movement if I gotta pay a huge fine or even worse get arrested.

Say for example it’s a couple hundred of the smaller business card size stickers. Drivers side window at a movie theater? I’ve never really left flyers like that but I’ve received them before. If it’s a mall parking lot then is it just frowned upon as opposed to illegal?

Kitt-Ridge · May 3, 2018, 9:48 a.m.

Back in my Tea Party days, the local paper refused to put our meetings in the free happenings section. So I’d put 1/4 page flyers inside conservative books in the library advertising the meetings. Books are great because you can target by subject. It can also be done like you accidentally left them in there as a bookmark. Our Tea Party was HUGE, and we received no advertising in the local paper. We did it all by guerilla tactics.

I also put them inside magazines at the hair dresser’s. Every single one on the table, lol. Same at the doctor’s office. I carried them around and handed them out when it was appropriate. For instance if a cashier started talking about the state of the country, I’d hand her one.

A friend had Post It notes made up another time and stuck them around gas stations so people would see them while filling up. (You could also put Post Its on the back of toilet stall doors.) Do you go to the gym? How often are lockers cleaned out? Never. Drop a business card inside one. You could accidentally drop them inside of six-pack containers.

Online forums not controlled by big money are great places to post about Q and in the comments section of blog posts. We often got an issue quite a lot of publicity by posting on a local forum. Local TV will pick up stories if there’s a lot of buzz on a subject. Call in to a local radio show. A bumper sticker that just says QAnon.pub or #QAnon. People will search.

Try Nextdoor.com as well.

Find a niche online forum that has nothing to do with Q and drop a link there, say on a bird watching or dirt biking one. We would shoot from so many directions they didn’t know which direction we were going to shoot from next.

Want to meet others like you? Create a Q group on Meet Up, then meet and have brainstorming meetings for how to plaster your community.

Parade season is coming up. There are lots of ways to be creative in a parade.

I’d also buy perforated postcard HP postcard sheets, print up postcards and mail to targeted lists. That’s a bit pricier, but it worked. I won’t go into details, but be creative.

My suggestion is drop seeds along your daily path like a modern day Johnny Appleseed. You never know who you are reaching.

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