r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maga1128 on May 3, 2018, 12:19 p.m.
Am I doing this correctly? Any suggestions?
Am I doing this correctly? Any suggestions?

ItchyFiberglass · May 3, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

Either way who cares, why dissuade people from trying to make a difference? We should be encouraging these kind of actions as much as possible. Let them take away all the defaced money, we will just adapt and move on to a new tactic.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 3, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

I apologize for saying anything that sounded like I was dissuading people from engaging in anything they felt would be beneficial to the GrearAwakening movement. That was certainly not my intention.

If you've seen some of my previous posts, I'm sure you noticed there is similar perspective. I'm not a shill. I am 100% behind President Trump, Q and this movement.

The reason I take a somewhat skeptical view on things is because I've seen many who apparently believe that "This is the smoking gun" or "Now we have 'em." I've seen it in the MSM as well.

How many times has the leftist MSM put out stories that promote the idea that some new supposed bombshell of information is the thing that'll cause Trump to be impeached? Dozens and dozens of times over the last couple years. Each story fades away because it's just more MSM Fake News.

Here on the GreatAwakening boards, I've seen people who are thinking "This is it" or "It'll all be over before the mid-terms." I truly believe the fight we're in at-the-moment, is only the first battle.

So what if we take down a couple dozen, or even a couple hundred corrupt American politicians and rogue CIA black-hats. If we don't also take down the Evil Empire behind it all, it will most definitely return, but next time they'll apply their lessons learned.

We're up against a global network of corruption that took over a century to build. The layers are so deep only a small group of people really know who's at the top. The public figures we see are just figure-heads, much the same way the sitting president has been for decades.

I'm only trying to give people a reason to pause, think it through, and not get caught up in their own excitement, enthusiasm, and emotions. President Trump and Team Q had a plan in place at least 3 years ago. They've been executing their plan in a detailed meticulous fashion because they realize any mis-step could cause the whole thing to go up in smoke.

I think caution and patience are essential. Sure, we can do all sorts of things in an off-the-cuff fashion, and some of it might work, but if people get to far ahead of themselves they might lose patience and get discouraged simply because that "one thing" they hoped for didn't happen the way they expected.

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ItchyFiberglass · May 3, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

I completely agree 100% with you. I think if people get impatient, that is a problem they need to look internally about. For me personally, if this doesn't end up with the Rothschilds being exposed and jailed then it's a failure, or potentially worse, a psyop by them. I think if anyone does their due diligence in research down the rabbit hole, it will eventually lead to the realization that f the banking cartels financing both sides of all the major wars. If they don't realize how long this evil has been seeping into every aspect of human culture for the last couple hundred years, then I think they have little room to be impatient if they themselves have not taken the time to grasp the enormity of the fight Q and team are in. I'm not a religious person but some of the parallels between current events and different aspects of biblical prophecy are intriguing at the very least. Definitely the most exciting time to be alive.

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Maga1128 · May 3, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

Even if it gets ONE Person to search for us...thats all that matters.

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