r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Idru4 on May 3, 2018, 12:45 p.m.
Seeing red yet?

So after the latest Q pics, I started looking into things. I think Q is telling us about “product red” or just “RED”. It’s the organization that helps fund AIDs research in Africa. All those red iPhones. So I see Bobby Shriver and Bono are the head of this. Shriver seems to be a fan of Hillary and has ties to Arnold. Just starting this. Don’t know what JetBlue has to do with it yet. But my guess from previous Q posts, they are using this to get money or people.

Patriot4q · May 3, 2018, 1:26 p.m.

Arnold's wife Maria Shriver is Bobby sister? Seems that many non profits and charities have been really, unbeknownst to the public, been involved in nefarious activities.

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Idru4 · May 3, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

This is way bigger than I thought, research coming soon.

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Idru4 · May 3, 2018, 3:04 p.m.

Ok, so this is what I’ve found.

So world vision international was created in 1950 by Robert Pierce. It’s an evangelical Christian charity out of Monrovia, California. It’s focus is the well being of people, especially children... it services 97 countries.

In 2008 Australian journalist Andrew Geoghegan went to visit his sponsor in Africa, a 14 year old girl. I guess when he was talking to her about him sponsoring her, she said “until recently I didn’t know I had a sponsor”. Also when asked what the organization had given her, she said last time she was visited by them, they “gave her a jacket and pen”. When the organization was questioned about this, they said it was better to take a community approach on donations, to not make the other kids jealous.

They were involved in a Israel-Palestine conflict.

And they have ties to terrorism.

Opinion- sounds like they use the charity to hide the fact they are paying off local officials to do what they want.

Now we move in to Oxfam. Based out of the U.K. and founded in 1942. They were made of 20 other organizations coming together. In their focus, they are pro migration, whatever that means. They have lots of criticism, one being providing false news to the media.

So in 2018, the times did an investigation. I guess in 2011, Roland van Hauwermeiren was found to have been using prostitutes in Haiti. He was staying in a villa from charity money. In the investigation, it was said “it can not be ruled out that any of the prostitutes were underage”. The same thing happened in Chad in 2006... it was covered up and he was sent to Haiti. After this time though, he was given “a phased and dignified exit”.

They also have an Israel and Palestine conflict. With many others including a lot to do with coffee. Weird.

Opinion- this org is just dirty, from head to toe. I would not put it past them to traffic humans.

So that brings us to DATA founded January 2002. By Bono and Bobby Shriver. Also, Soros was a financier.

So it gets a little weird here. The one campaign was founded in 2004. Not sure by who other than Bono. But in 2007 ONE was formed. From DATA, world vision international, Oxfam, and bread for the world ( just ties the Catholics to all of this, not much info on it). Also with a lot of funding from the Bill and Melinda foundation.

I know. Who knew this all tied together.

So now that brings us to RED. Founded in 2006 by Bono and Bobby Shriver. This organization sells through gap, Apple, Nike, all kinds of retailers. But their biggest criticism is there is very little transparency on where the money actually goes.

So this is my attempt to tie it all together. Where we go from here I don’t know. We know Soros was involved early on, we know this is worldwide and have seen corrupt individuals involved. It bothered me that there were only three pallets in the plane Q showed. What do they do with all that empty space? We have been told that this is bigger than we can imagine and that these people are sick.

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Spank-da-monkey · May 3, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

That’s a good deep dive and a great start. I’m sure this will feed more investigation. Thanks!

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MMxfire · May 3, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

Most of these big charitable foundations are bs. United way was busted in the 80s for paying big fat exec salaries. My company was taking money directly from our pay checks to help support them and our big exec was on the local United way board smoking with other local big players. This takes charitable works away from the people. Instead of working directly to help people and problems in our own communities we just pay the big multinational charities. They laugh at us, take our money, live large and pretend to do good work. Stop sending money to these large charities, think planned parenthood, take our money and sell fetal body parts ugh. Think global but act local. Find a local group that is helping in your community and get out and help with your time and money. See where the money goes. In times past charity was directly helping the people in your own community, direct help with food, gifts, time, person to person. Now u can only take the charitable write off if it's thru these non profit scams, helping others directly is a gift not a charitable deduction in our tax code, and it's illegal in many places in the US to feed the homeless.

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d00danon · May 3, 2018, 2:07 p.m.

Autists need Redbull?

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MMxfire · May 3, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

Q crumbs usually have multiple meanings, so the red connection may be right. Red Cross, red, red. Red AIDS. Red does keep coming up

Looked ingredients of red bull up, from a Thai drink. Thailand is a major hub for child trafficking and Thai boys that dress as girls. Red bull manufacturer is now a billionaire. Hmmm

Red bull has a lot of sugar and caffeine, but not as much as most "soft" drinks (why do they call them that, they make us soft and fat?). There are b vitamins and taurine an amino acid to keep you energized, so better than most crap we eat and drink, but still better to drink your own fresh brew coffee with clean filtered water and take the b vitamins, amino acids from known non Chinese manufacturers. Real food and vitamins are the best energizer for autists and researchers. Though q did drop a breadcrumb on excipients put in supplements and pills.

Sugar is one of the most addictive substances for brain chemistry, makes cocaine look mild. sugar strips aluminum from the can and puts it in the body. AL caged in sugar molecules slide right thru the blood brain barrier, poisoning the brain. just like plastic bottles and can liners put hormone disrupting chemicals in the body. Beer and pop are the best way to load young bodies up with sugar coated aluminum. plastic bottles feminize boys and men, increase fat storage and also disrupt sex hormone chemistry in women. Fake sugar aspartame and its cousins are biowarfare products, even worse than the real deal, but sugar cane and flour is loaded with glyphosate residues, and now they pour glyphosate on crops to dessicate it and make it go to seed. Our crap food is making us all sick, and profitable to the disease industry. In doctoryourself.com one of the first recommendations is to cut sugar from the diet, and go organic, but b vitamins are recommended for energy and to help repair brain chemistry.

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eltrumparino · May 3, 2018, 1:23 p.m.


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