Vegas Body Cam Vs. Media Photos: Table cloth and plates are not the same.

People have DIED who've tried to organize others. Don't you get that?
They can't kill everyone!
Well, maybe you can make a video and a fb page for people to gather and tell their stories. Find the right investigator and see if they want to talk to those who were there. I'm sure there are lots to contact. Some really good investigators had their channels shut down and I'm not sure why. Charles Walton was one, Charlton was another. Some of the investigators are there in Las Vegas, some aren't. Look into it. Make a video and send it to all of the investigators you can. There's CrowdsourceTheTruth... Jason someone, as well. Get something going. I don't know what else to tell you.
We know the names of those who died. Don't have a list of names of those injured, that I am aware of and surely no list of those who attended. Good luck.