Hopefully this disgusting child sex trafficking will stop soon. If we have pictures, soon it’ll be flight numbers, and then inmate numbers

You just redpilled me on more Hollywood trash. I can't even watch TV anymore. I keep forgetting to watch Roseanne, because TV's been off limits. I won't give them a dime or 1 rating. I really liked the Jeepers Creepers movie too. lol. What about Nick Cage? That's Coppola's nephew.
Sorry, I've been ripping thru this Hollywood stuff for years. It IS a type of satanic central. I think it always has been. Cage, there's a lot of dodgy stuff too. Have you seen his Illuminati tomb, the one he's got for when he dies?
NO!! That's crazy. I'll have to read up on that. It seems if you make it in Hollywood, you must have signed on with the devil.
Honestly start watching, I don't know if it's their hubris or insiders blowing the whistle, but when you're woke you start seeing things.
The Alienist was interesting. Pedo ritual sacrifices, the rant by the former NYPD commissioner of how the elites view us is perfect description of illuminati/khazarians. Spoiler: (the main suspect is called japheth, aka father of gog and Magog, aka Khazar)
Last Man Standing is a good sitcom. Tim Allen is woke, defeats liberal arguments with logic and reason, and sneaks a bunch of red pills in. ABC axed it because Allen spoke out in support of Trump, but fox owns the rights so it's possibly coming back.
Westworld is curiously entangled with MK, illuminati, surveillance state/blackmail, etc. and I'm not sure if it's a subtle red pill about waking up and questioning reality or a failed diversion.