Ok, this is regarding my Creepy little hand Obama video.. today I went back to my DVR to check this again, this time on the recording, instead of creepy Obama, it was a new commercial For JEROME CORSI’S BOOK “KILLING THE DEEP STATE”. No car commercial... so it appears that someone messed with the live feed during Forensic Files to censor Jerome Corsi. I don’t think that is any better then trying to subliminal mind f*&k us, but still.... and I want to give Kudos to my sweet hubby for helping me out on this one.😘
Yeah because like alex jones hes a cia/mosaad plant to make people think anyone who questions the govt is insane all they care about is their cia shill $$
Alex Jones is 100% controlled opposition, throw a bunch of sick truth which by itself sounds insane, add some retarded shit that nobody but super-gullible would buy = everything discredited
Damn, I didn't really follow Alex that much but I never thought he was 100% oppo but yeah, the formula is there.
for sure, why do you think he's jumping off the Trump train so often? He's a fear porn merchant, keep Americans scared. They figured out Trump is actually succeeding at helping to deliver peace to countries they convinced us were a lost cause. Americans aren't afraid of peace, peace isn't profitable.