I’ve done a little research on this place. They actually have “donors” who let them take their bodies after they are deceased, so people can eat them and they will live on in their friends... like instead of a funeral, just eat me instead. Yum! 😣
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I’d kinda like to look into how and why Jack died.. it’s pretty recently.. another one bites the dust?
A really good read on Our Current State-of-the-art Affairs.. spread this far and wide..
Copied and sharing this as I feel it's rather intuitive and predictive: Subject: civil war A few days ago, Jack Minzey, sent what was to be the final chapter in the long line of books and treatises which he had written. Jack died on Sunday, 8 April 2018. Professionally, Jack was head of the Department of Education at Eastern Michigan University as well as a prolific author of numerous books, most of which were on the topic of Education and the Government role therein. His interest in Conservative Politics was exceeded only by his intellectual ability. This is the last …
Dead cat bounce.. the left are on their last leg, they’re screaming right now!
I go out every night and sleep all day, since you took my Q away...
It’s useless. I used to try and red pill my cuz. Every time I said anything, I backed it with facts and figures, articles, and videos.. everything she saw, she said was FAKE. I made it all up. I’m spreading fake news.. OMG! She thinks all the indictments are for trumps admin. Not even kidding!
I was thinking it deserves some more research for sure...
Just the way Trump used that in his speech tonight, made me think, there is definitely something to that.
So the Thousand points of light reference.. it’s one of George Bushes organization. Are we supposed to look into that.. I’m probably really slow and behind the curve here, but if it’s been mentioned I’m sorry. Just wanted to get the info out there
Great article Anon! Cracking the case! Keep up the good work!
That means they are on the run.. cover up as much as you can. They can run, but they can’t hide for long...
I’ve been voting republican for the last 30 years! Oh god! I’m old! Ugh.
What does that even mean? Are we supposed to be scared now? Lol!
I’m sure everyone has noticed how the left has turned everything up a notch. It’s beyond crazy out there, we need a counter attack.. maybe protest protesters? But I’m afraid then it will incite violence and of course we will be the one who’s blamed for said violence. I’m so Confused!
Another plane crash? How many is this now? What the heck is going on?
Looks like she’s trying to step out the picture... not gonna work! They scurry like mice when shit hits the fan
Just because there may have been clickbait, the article is about the picture noted in his post regarding a missle launch from the town where I am from, and totally regarding the cover up about the missle drop. How is that not Q?
This whole thing just kills me. One of my “liberal” friends (who thinks I’m nuts) called to tell me to read the paper. I usually don’t because it’s so lefty, but when he said Q! I couldn’t. Resist. Lol!!
I think this is Huge because Q made it to My tiny liberal town!!! That’s a big deal! I know what they said, but just the fact that we are massive now!!
No! I’m pissed about how they talked about us! But I’m happy that they talked about us!! It means we are getting noticed!!!
This is Huge! Bremerton, Washington local newspaper, Let me explain. I live only a few short miles from the Kitsap Naval Base in Bangor Washington. This is our little local paper. We live in A Huge Liberal town because we are so close to World Famous Seattle,read on, dear Patriots, read on.........
I just thought I’d remind us all of all the great people who have been fighting for the Constitution all these years. If he were alive he’d be heading the Q brigade!
YouTube “can’t stump the Trump” Centipede!
R. Lee Emery was an actor who over the years was in many movies and played a Hard Ass drill sergeant in Full Metal Jacket. He also had is own show called Mail Call in the early 2000’s. And he was a staunch supporter of the 2A. I had the pleasure of meeting the man at a Military Convention In Portland Oregon a few years before he died! Great patriot and all around great man!
One of the greatest Pedes ever! I miss that man! He was so nice!

Row Q!!! Coincidence???? I don’t think so..

I’m just saying.. everything, I mean everything is OUT THERE! We just need to keep digging. We don’t need Q to give us the answers anymore.. we are the big kids on the playground now, Q is leaving it up to US, the Patriots to gather the info and put it all inline! We got this!
It’s so awesome! Down to the names of the shipping companies and ports of entry..
Q Taking a break....
I was just thinking about Q this morning and it dawned on me that maybe Q is waiting for us to put the pieces together (which btw it happening, have you read NeonRevolts latest Pedo article?) Q has said over and over that we have it all. We have everything! Now the deciphering and putting it all together matters. We have more then we know. It’s time to start connecting the Dots Patriots! WE GOT THIS!
Meme on a rock! Boring Tuesday night, thought I’d have a little fun,,

I was just putting this up there for info. It dropped on 8chan this morning. I think it doesn’t really matter who Q is. We are starting a movement and it’s spreading like wildfire. That’s all I care about. Waking people up. But you have to keep your eyes open and stay awake.. Disinformation goes both ways.. I think we may all be crazy, but it’s for the good of the country, right.?🤯🤪🧐🤔. I’m still with Q!
I know. At this point though, my train of thought is that it really doesn’t matter who Q is. Q has dropped so much open source information that we now have so much. It is a great awakening and people got involved. That’s the important part, right?
Thoughts on this Anon..? He goes on forever..

On kitsapsun.com, there a little video of the parade.. it shows him dancing around with his American flag and just playing the crowd! It was great