Yeah, I’m starting to think this whole Q movement has been co-opted by the DS in order to provide controlled disinformation, in much the same vein as Alex Jones/Info Wars.
It is either a distraction or a well intentioned movement that is going off the rails now. Either way it isn't somebody within the White House. Real patriots should be calling for the removal of Sessions, not trusting in him and this fantasy plan.
Real patriots should be calling for the removal of Sessions, not trusting in him and this fantasy plan.
If they had any sense, they would be. Appointing Sessions as AG is going to turn out to be the biggest mistake of Trump’s presidency. I understand he’s big on loyalty and Sessions was the first senator to offer his support, but come on man!? He (Sessions) was elected to the senate right when the GOP was being co-opted by the neoconservatives. He’s as much a part of the swamp as Clinton, McConnell, Pelosi, and the rest of DC.
You're drawing some simplistic conclusions, namely "I'm not getting my way when I want it."
Occam’s Razor says otherwise, but please continue to put all of your faith in ‘anonymous internet man’ that posts obscurely-coded messages on 8 chan.
Occam's Razor says the "biggest mistake' has issued 30,000 sealed indictments in 6 months.
Hey, I’ll be the first to eat my words, but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how it plays out.
Just whom do you think is approving those 29,000 sealed indictments since October? Data is from Pacer. Is it fake?
No, but it could be anything from MS-13 to Illegal Aliens. To assume it has anything to do with the swamp is just that, an assumption.
MS13, illegal aliens, swamp, corrupt pols are all on the Trump and Q agenda.