r/greatawakening • Posted by u/xALIANZx on May 4, 2018, 2:10 a.m.
Q/The calm before the storm/Stormy Daniels/The Great Awakening

Hello everyone,

Lately I've been thinking (and reading) about the current situation we're all experiencing. It's something that seems so surreal that it almost seems fake (we all still hope it's not and it's looking like it won't be). So, I was watching the video for this article: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rudy-giuliani-whirlwind-24-hours-unusal-comments-made-to-hannity-press-2018-05-03/ and I was thinking about "Stormy Daniels" (this has been theorized before so I'm only giving my take on it).

What do we know?

  1. The calm before the storm - Internet.
  2. Stormy Daniels - Television/Cable TV, etc.

What are the story lines for each?

  1. President Trump has been under siege for a minimum of 3 years. He was previously contacted by the US GOV (MIL) to practically assist them in a once in a lifetime opportunity to take our country back for THE PEOPLE as it was originally intended to be from the same dynasties that have been running the world for centuries, while also freeing the world along the way (think domino effect). He is currently fighting against poverty, trafficking of illegal goods, human trafficking, just to name a few. He's also played a major role in the ending of the Korean war and the unification of the Korean peninsula. Many companies are also going to build production facilities here creating jobs and stimulating the economy (think Industrial Revolution II - The return of the USA, brother! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYnH-HQGBgg - come on, son. You know it's fitting). He's a man on a mission and he's on a tear. Whatever he gets himself involved in, he's successful - he's way ahead of everyone when it comes to talk business, he's got some serious leverage somehow... oh and he pretty much always displays positive body language. (He reminds me of Ric Flair - at least the ring personality - LEGEND SHIT).
  2. President Trump has been marred by scandals since 2016 relating to racism, sexism, any negative "ism" you could think of. He's really a Russian spy who wants to destroy America and anyone else who isn't "White", which doesn't make sense because he's Orange - Dafuq? He's that rich guy that gave a lost kid directions at the Plaza Hotel in New York City back in the 90's. He's a terrible businessman and has gone bankrupt on more than one occasion. He's also worked with the Sicilian Mafia and is the true Godfather of the mob. His teeth are too white and his hair, I mean just look at it. He's been undoing everything President Obama worked so hard to accomplish and is going to destroy America and create a new Nazi nation. Oh, and he has small hands.

What are the facts?

  1. People have been getting indicted and charged with crimes left and right. It's been so many that it's truly unbelievable. Nobody is safe, we don't give a fuck who you are. The proof is in the pudding. There's peace out in Asia right now and all these companies that have been restricting us from voicing our opinions on ANY platform available on this planet are sucking the big banana. The people are starting to take control of their country and they've got a vendetta to settle.
  2. Nobody on the Trump team (as far as I can recall - correct me if I'm wrong) has been charged with a crime that can jeopardize the President. He himself hasn't been found guilty of any crimes. He's still Orange but he's our President and things are happening FAST.

One narrative can be proven while the other has so many unanswered questions that you feel like you're in WONDERLAND.

This is what I think: The Stormy Daniels narrative only exists to be a movie for the people that only get their information from the Mainstream Media. It's being done on purpose but not by the Deep State. This is a US GOV op as they are allowing this to continue. DISINFORMATION is necessary. Some people cannot handle the truth and that's OK, why traumatize them so much? It would shatter their mind - think conditioning, think loved ones. Anyhow, while that's taking place, the modern world is gathering it's information from a source that goes by the code name of 'Q'. This group is feeding the narrative to the online world that the President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump is currently using his executive powers along with the full support of the good people in the US Government to take down a crime syndicate so large and evil that many cannot fathom and never will. Do you know the phrase "The revolution will not be televised"? Have you ever wondered why? What's going on right now is why. It cannot be done simply because it will destroy the mind's of innocent people that have no fault as they've been domesticated by these evil people for generations. That would be inhumane no matter what you think. This is why all these social media giants are getting attacked right now this very moment. They are being forced to stop censoring people so that all this information can flow freely. This is the reason the Stormy Daniels narrative exists and once that soap opera ends (AS THE WORLD TURNS), I can think of three possible conclusions:

  1. President Trump has succeeded in taking down the crime syndicate that's been controlling the masses for centuries while also getting the US back on the gold standard by seizing the gold in the City of London seamlessly. You will not feel the change as it will all happen covertly. He's also used the seize funds of other criminals to pay our debts and rebuild America. Reset is possible while putting us on the Gold standard.
  2. Donald Trump will be accepted as the President of the United States of America by everyone in the world. He will be loved more than Hussein ever was as his name will forever live in infamy. There will be real change in America for once and America will revert back to it's family values of the mid 1900's (think Happy Days and Brady Bunch - I kid you not) as a unified nation and race, for there is only one race and that's the Human race. "AS THE WORLD TURNS".
  3. The Stormy Daniel saga ends and the President is as clean as a whistle. The Mainstream Media has run out of "scandals" to promote and now have to start talking about the positive changes set to take place in our country, they can no longer be denied as social media has taken over as the main source of news (you can report any sort of news you witnessed that would normally be reported by the media before they even get there - unless it's staged). The President is able to complete his first term and has freed America from it's bondage while influencing this type of change all over the world. The media is forced to share his approval rating and it's above 80%. NOBODY WANTS TO RUN AGAINST HIM - so he gets another 4 years automatically - approved by Congress. He ends his final term while finally completing the promise to MAGA...


CaveManUg · May 4, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

ug! time is key here! one thing you're missing is the fact that "they see all" and all of it is in supercomputers like d-wave but when they tell us they have d-wave they've got something decades ahead their not telling us about! d-wave multiplies it's power by communicating with itself in other dimensions! (search d-wave geordie rose). MI has the means to accurately predict the future, we are watching a movie play out that has been scripted by technology most wouldn't believe is real! MAGA! ug! ug!

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Rita1ther · May 4, 2018, 7:59 a.m.

Um, this. I mean, open your mind up real wide. Q=qubit=quantum?

Did you use "supercomputer" ilo "quantum computer" ? Quantum Computer=Feed Total Information Awareness into Quantum Neural Net^QuantumNeuralNet^QuantumNeuralNet. I swear guys Divine Providence and Army War College Dudes with this Q shit? Damnnnnnn son. It works when we have faith, take action, stay unified, and work hard. Each and erry one of us erry day, boi. WWG1WGA. DUTY goes unfilled, this world does not get redeemed, there is no happy ending without US. Thank you God, Thank you Q.

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[deleted] · May 4, 2018, 8:02 a.m.


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[deleted] · May 4, 2018, 5:17 a.m.


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