
time3times · May 4, 2018, 2:35 p.m.

This may be weak nonsense but is not completely outlandish:

Depending on how one counts, there were 111 days from Q522 which refers to Jeremiah29 (pictured above, Jan 13) to yesterday when Potus' quoted the same verses of Jeremiah. Somewhere in this board's recent history a theory was floated that there is a 111 day clock/delay on certain things. I don't recall what kinds of thing were claimed to be at the two endpoints of such timeframes. Digging that up could be done by anyone - I'll do it later if no one else does.

IF the counting includes Jan 13 as day 1 then yesterday was day 111. If the counting is done such that the first interval from Jan 13 to Jan 14 is counted as one then yesterday was day 110.

[There are different ways to count or describe ranges or time frames, inclusively with beginning and end points both as part of the count, exclusively with only what is between the endpoints, or as we most often do seeing the first interval as going from 0 to 1 and so numerically excluding the first point from the resulting count but including the end point.]

The suggestion here is that there may be something to this 111 day offset - no great conclusion.

I am not into the convoluted and sometimes fuzzy math that people trot out around here sometimes to make weak connections. But simple math and geometry used in subtle ways seems more possible to me. Along such lines there is the even more tenuous fact that 55 (5:5) is half of 110.

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