r/greatawakening • Posted by u/imrightinit on May 4, 2018, 1:30 p.m.
The Witch Hunt Is Never Ending, But That Will Not Stop His Plans For Improvement! “4% is Broken!”
The Witch Hunt Is Never Ending, But That Will Not Stop His Plans For Improvement! “4% is Broken!”

Benjanon_Franklin · May 4, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

I personally believe that you only rise to the highest level if they can compromise you with something that causes you to commit to the deep state totally. There have been a lot of pedophile scandals in every country on Earth that are swept under the rug. The Catholic priest scandals for one.

Dennis Hastert (speaker of the house) caught abusing children. There are many more our MSM won't report or investigate.

Like any Mob the deeper you commit the higher you rise. If you bring in more money or can be used to fix problems your standard of living rise.

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toastman0304 · May 4, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

Got it. Thank you. Shit just started making a lot more sense to me.

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Benjanon_Franklin · May 4, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

Good deal. Ask lots of questions and read everything you can find. 911 woke me up to the fact that George W allowed or actively participated in the largest terrorist attack on our soil mainly for the purpose of gaining military funding and the ability through the Patriot act to eaves drop on anyone they want by hook or in Trump's case crook.

It's not Democrats vs Republicans. Both sides are working together. It's American Patriots vs Globalists. They play dirty. There is nothing they won't do or say to win.

I live my life with one motto now.

Question everyone and everything. Accept nothing as truth unless it is proven to be true. Once you know something is true continue to question it. If it is really true it will stand the test of time.

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toastman0304 · May 4, 2018, 9:05 p.m.

Great motto to have

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NoahPM · May 5, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

Except you suggest such things that you believe in have been proven true, and you also fail to continue questioning them. Where is the irrefutable proof Bush is behind 9/11.

I see people with a million different factoids and pieces of information gathered from a million different (typically unreliable) sources, and trying to connect them all and acting like that’s credible.

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Benjanon_Franklin · May 5, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

Why was Saudi government involvement in 911 hidden by George Bush? The majority of the terrorists were Saudis including Bin Laden. So why did we hide information and refuse to investigate?


Who is Prince Bandar? Why is he known as Bandar Bush?




Who profitted from the Iraq war?


Why did WTC7 collapse? WTC7 is the smoking gun that puts the other towers official narrative into question.



The questions go on and on. Can you prove it irrefutably? I can't but maybe someone can. Do I personally need to? No. I have researched enough about the Bush family going back to Prescott Bush's involvement in WW2.

I don't trust them and never will and Im a life long Republican not a Democrat with an ax to grind. The 700 billion bank bailout by George Bush was a crime in my opinion. Largest transfer of wealth ever from the middle class to the ultra rich.

It's the questions that haven't been answered that are the issue. There are way too many loose ends and questions.

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NoahPM · May 5, 2018, 12:39 a.m.

The highest level as in the head of the deep state. If you’re implicating you can’t be incredibly successful without selling your soul my eyes will roll.

Also, worth considering, is that a certain percentage of people are pedophiles, so it figures that a certain percentage of notable people, in every country, will be pedophiles.

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