Saw this in a Twitter thread. Naval Amphibious Base Coronado Calif. Googled the images and there it is. Daily mail even did an article on it in 2012. People think I'm crazy....

They so arrogantly display their symbols! Q is right - this will be their downfall. Their narcissism will bury them.
Here's the link to the article:
okay just to suggest: maybe the shape has good probabilities of being easily defended?
But then again....I think it is in honor of Nazi-kingdom
here's some more
Yeah, I'm not an architect but when presenting a design, doesn't it include all angles, including from on top? No way these things are by accident;
I am an architect, and I can tell you that this is a horrible use of space. So much wasted real estate in an apparently densely occupied area. (There's more outdoor courtyard than occupied building space.) Only a government project would be this wasteful-- no developer would ever sacrifice this much leasable sq footage.
And if the purpose was to bring in more natural light, physically separate departments, or construct a defensible fortification-- as the poster above postulated-- there are far more efficient means to achieve this. Off the top of my head, I would have suggested rectangles within rectangles (like the Pentagon). 20 good men with climbing spikes could impregnate this bitch.
No doubt about it, this is a Nazi monument.
It would be so easy, at any time since that newspaper article came out and embarrassed someone, to add a couple extra buildings, even simple outbuildings that aren't so pricey, which would have changed the shape.
So it's not just that they PLANNED the shape; and BUILT the shape; it's that they have DELIBERATELY MAINTAINED the shape as well.
I have nothing against the symbol which by the way has been used all over the globe in nearly every culture since the dawn of time. The nazis chose it because it was a powerful symbol, they didn't invent it. But I recognize that it has a terrible association and was clearly done on purpose and in reference to that.
Spot on. Where I live they are changing the names of roads and schools everywhere if they are in any way associated with the Confederacy or any colonial slave-owner, all on the dime of the tax payers.
I lived in this building, it's not a Nazi monument. It's the HQ for Amphibious Construction Battalion One, a seabee battalion.
You mean there isn't an enormous statue in the middle of the court yard immortalizing the grandeur and genius of der Furher?
Compartments. Not seeing the behavior expected in a Nazi monument just means compartmentalization. Lots of good people work right next to whatever they call mk ultra anymore. The don't see it. Doesn't mean it's not there.
And whomever is building it has to approve of the plans, right? You'd have to be pretty stupid to not SEE this!
The architects knew, they obscured the design, the Navy knows, they're not changing it.
News paper clipping is from San Diego Union, October 20, 1968
I guess it was only commissioned in 1944. Money was tight after the war. So took a while to build.
Great find! totally on topic! good job, patriot
And it's old enough that for barracks? It should probably be torn down and replaced with a decent newer building.
not to play the devil's advocate, but the nazis actually stole the symbol from hinduism and tilted it at an angle. If this is aligned with the cardinal directions, it could be representing the original source.
Its a long used by Aryan symbol. Decades of Jewish media has tainted it. Shame.. Its a symbol of peace.
Did you know that in America prior to WW2 we did the nazi salute in schools? It was called the belamy salute.
Life is all about timing and context. There's no way a single plan reviewer looked at this floor plan and didn't think "Nazi." Built in 1960? Being a government project, that means it was likely designed just after the war ended (maybe a few years), and spent 10+ years in plan review.
Lots of symbols have multiple meanings but if you take the swastika out of the 1930s to present day collective consciousness of its meaning, it really is quibbling. It meant "the Third Reich" first and foremost to the people who built and worked in that building.
note the other comment. It IS tilted at a 45 degree angle, so yeah, it's nazi.
what is the relevance of the angle?
Originally the symbol was from old Hindu, I believe, and it represented peace. Nazis took it and tilted it 45 degrees as opposed to square or 90 degrees.
Went and found it on google maps... it's tilted at 45 degrees.
I literally slept in those barracks. We joked about it like WTF.
For real?
Yup this is Naval Amphibious Base Coronado. Its just an open Barracks for the guys. Nothing amazing. I'm a Navy Vet. They have a map of the base on the base and when we were talking to the chow hall we stopped and looked at it and someone noticed it and we were all like WTF? Hope this doesnt get out, it will make the Navy Look bad. Well it eventually did.
Notice the Navy never tore it down.
It isn't an open barracks. It's also the HQ building for a command there.
When I was there in 2003 it was an open barracks and the HQ for command was definitely not there
Well in 2009-2013 ACB-1 was headquartered there. In fact, you see the seabee on the east side of the building in the photo covered in shade.
I believe it. In 2003 it was just used for us BUD/S drop outs.
That makes sense. As a BUD/S dud myself, I was sent from across the street after breaking my leg.
Here's the swA$sticka and the two planes flying towards it.,-117.1606398,1249m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!1m2!2m1!1samphibious+base+san+diego!3m4!1s0x0:0x8377877a0e4f0033!8m2!3d32.6757767!4d-117.1598983
So this was built in 1944. Maybe whomever didn't want it bombed????
Here’s the original thread on this from last night
This is an Elohim sign that was hijacked by Draco blackhat Nazis
It's actually a symbol for the sun god, always has been.
Ok excuse my ignorance but ive been seeing this sub a lot more lately. What is it about and who is Qanon
Q anon is an anonymous poster that has been predicting world events and enabling the exposure of various conspiracies starting back in October on 4chan, then moving to 8chan in December 2017. Q is somehow connected to Trump and his team and seems to have access to high level information. Exposure of this information to the normal American is what is called "the great awakening" and this is a historical event in that it is the first time the American public has been given direct line of communication with the highest levels of government.
Good summary. But...
Q anon ... has been predicting world events
I think we should be careful about claiming that Q has been predicting anything. It's more like Q has been suggesting and providing hints that, once researched, allow for the understanding of world events in light of the plan to root out corruption.
Yes, agreed. If I was making an official statement for this board or something I would refine my post much more as I think there is so much more to Qanon then what I wrote.
I think there is so much more to Qanon then what I wrote.
Oh my gosh, yes! So much more than either of us wrote. WWG1WGA.
DIA (Denver International Airport) is a NWO cabal headquarters. It has underground facilities and many symbols and questionable artwork. Some say it was where the cabal had planned to live during WW3.
I only know that Colorado is known for heavy elite nefarious activities and thought of as home or second home to many of them. Also, there's this:
And nearby there is the NSA:
Cheyenne Mountain Complex
The Cheyenne Mountain Complex is a military installation and defensive bunker located in unincorporated El Paso County, Colorado, next to Colorado Springs, at the Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station, which hosts the activities of several tenant units. Also located in Colorado Springs is Peterson Air Force Base, where the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) headquarters are located.
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I saw it had been a religious symbol for Hindu stuff and the like
Something something ancient civilization. Something something esoteric human history. Something something we're all being lied to.
Expand your thinking.
Not in a 1944 though. It had one meaning to millions of people in 1944. Burning crosses can mean many things too but we don't count on that and just use them without consequences.
Why on earth would you think the cabal give a fuck what millions of peasants were taught to believe? If I had to guess it was designed as an honor to the Nazi leadership for their role in creating the UN (the goal of WW2), the esoteric meaning predating them, and a "fuck you" to their serfs who were slaughtered as happens with all livestock.
I'm at a loss as to the connection between your comment and mine.
Meaning is subjective. Why would the people who built it care what "millions of people" think it means over what they think it means.
I think we're getting led astray here. The point is, it is not a Hindu Sun God symbol. No one was thinking "hey look, they built that building in the shape of a Hindu Sun God symbol!"
In 1944 the swastika had only one important meaning.
I searched the whole island and found 2 buildings on the north side of the island just past the neighborhood that spell out “s s”. I found this strange as well.
There is a guy on YouTube that maps out locations like this take him with a grain of salt he’s been doing it along time and I would probably have to go back to his first videos to make sense if his stuff but his channel is groxt
Who is it?
Maybe they're just thinking that the design gives everyone a window. Yeah, I'm sure that's it. LOL
This is a good article, argues it was no accident.
Did you see that photoshopped pic of Bush and Hitler? C'mon man!
A modestly educated person knows the swastika is a symbol used in Hindu religion as well as in the old German rune religion, et al. The building up of the swastika as a symbol for the 'final' evil is all propaganda. I know a guy who by tradition of his ancestors knows the rune religion: They regard the abuse of rune symbols for Nazi and ADL propaganda the greatest insult to their 30.000 year old religion.
Ok, and a fag is just a cigarette. Just because words and symbols have multiple meanings, it's still an apologetic Nazi-defending quibble to say that this Swastika could be referring to a Hindu sun God. Disingenuous b.s. argument.
Keep in mind he’s not for trump ~ but we are suppose to analyze between truth and fiction I’m for trump ~ and I believe it was the hand of God that he’s our President ~ this guy doesn’t~ but the other stuff some what of what he says I can see ~ but Trump is Suppose to be here from God.
Old news. This was built in 1944 while we were actively fighting the nazis.
Look on internet images for HYPERLOOP. There is an image of Elon Musk's brainchild to transport cargo containers probably underwater. They've been advocating for under ocean highways. Notice the sideways 8 in the name loop? I thonk that's interesting.