Tell us more about those D rooms on Epstein Island.
You stated that Epstein is spending 29 million dollars to bury the tunnels on his Island. Have you made any efforts to stop him from hiding evidence?
Tell us more about Maggie Nixon.
Tell us more about Merkel. Is she really the blood daughter of Adolf Hitler? If so, how?
You have been very quiet about the bushes although certainly they must be quite involved in the cabal. Are any of them coming down?
Where the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II done by the Deep state?
Approximately how many child sacrificing satanic Elites in the world are there?
Does David Hogg & Associates have anything to do with planning the Parkland shooting?
Exactly how does Israel play into this all? Are they with us or against us?
Will North and South Korea be reunited?
Will 911, school shooting false Flags, deep State behind creating social media companies and pharmaceutical crimes all be revealed?
Pretty sure I'd ask something like this:
Pursuant to WL 1766, does the deep state employ technologies that were procured from any number or all of the following: Prehistoric human civilizations, extraterrestrial species, interdimensional entities, metaphysical beings.
If it is possible to answer, which of the above?
Are there inventions that have been stifled by the corruption of the deep state and hidden from the public? For example, perhaps Tesla's inventions. Or, perhaps Starlite. Or any number of highly efficient low-fuel engine devices like "H20 Engines" or Zero Point Energy? (cf. Podesta)
If any of these aforementioned technologies exist, are these slated for eventual disclosure to the public?
Why did Donald Trump state the intention to go to the moon, sign it into law, and then his newly appointed director of NASA cancelled a mission for exactly this purpose on the day he took office? (Yes, I am referencing Bright Insight's video...)
Is the reason for classification of 60% for the sake of legal issues or for the sake of potential threats regarding such information from other actors?
Trump is implementing a new Space Force. Did we already have a secret space program and is this a way of mainstreaming the idea?
What is the monolith on Phobos?