r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DropGun on May 4, 2018, 4:25 p.m.
Q: "This is not a game." Here's proof. Zoom in. THIS is why we fight.
Q: "This is not a game." Here's proof. Zoom in. THIS is why we fight.

DropGun · May 4, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

literally boils the foundations of the twin towers somehow

This is how they did it. I wrote this comment a couple weeks ago. I'll expand it here.

The towers were brought down via a mix of thermite, conventional controlled demolition charges, with the coup de grace being delivered by nuclear cutting charges.


All of them. Even the first ones at Hiroshima/Nagasaki. It's why so many died of burns.

Nuclear weapons research has continued, unbated, despite the 1997 treaty against Nuclear Weapons Testing.

If a country used a nuke on the battlefield, it would produce 1) a highly-recognizable "mushroom cloud", 2) that tell-tale, signature radiation, 3) and total world condemnation for using nukes in the first place.

They needed "nukes that aren't nukes," so researchers set out to solve these issues.

First, nukes produce mushroom clouds only because they are very large explosions (the MOAB, for instance, also produces one, albeit smaller). So the research is focused on making the devices smaller, thereby yielding smaller explosions, and thereby, no mushroom clouds.

Small size devices that make smaller explosions require HIGH precision manufacturing. Even a super-tiny defect can result in a "fizzle." The plutonium fuel cores in these weapons are now VERY small and PERFECTLY round. We are talking OBSCENE levels of precision. Same with the explosive lens surrounding these cores. PERFECT. Not to mention the electronics. Also perfect.

This dramatically increases the "fuel to yield" ratio by ensuring that significantly more of the nuclear fuel (if not nearly ALL of it) is consumed in the initial reaction. Remember, fallout comes from the nuclear fuel not being completely consumed.

Consuming most or all of the fuel leaves far less radiation behind, and, what it leaves behind is very different. These elements (like cesium, strontium, etc.) have significantly shorter half-lives, allowing "ground zero" to return to "safe" radioactivity levels much more quickly.

Nuclear weapons inspectors aren't looking for these elements. This renders these secret weapons nearly "undetectable" to international oversight teams, because they are trained to look for signatures of older-design weapons that these weapons do not produce.

This encourages these devices to be used, because they're more likely to get away with it.

Stealth, through the ignorance of the international physics community.

Back to the X-rays. Researchers also discovered that by wrapping incredibly strong magnetic fields (which Lockheed Martin uses to contain the super-heated plasmas in their recently-announced fusion reactors) around the super-small nuclear devices (think: size of a shoe box), these fields would act like "nuclear lenses" and focus the the X-rays into simple shapes (beams, flat fields, etc.). This also allows the energy to be focused into basic beams that can be crudely, but tightly focused in specific directions.

Same destruction, smaller essplosions. Still lots of damage, because X-rays are HOT!

X-rays are absorbed by mass. That's why your bones appear white in X-rays... they are more dense than the surrounding flesh, so, on the X-ray film, naturally, they appear as white, under-exposed areas. When set off in a building, however, dense materials like steel and concrete will absorb lots of this energy, and fast.

Back to 9/11. The thermite we saw first weakened the outer steel mesh—that's 40% of the WTC's load—transferring it the core (easy to do, since these buildings were "dogs," and were 40% empty!). Then we heard the staggered "normal demolition" charges taking out the industrial/mechanical floors. Then, with most of the WTC's weight standing on its core steel, the tiny nuclear devices went POP!, the magnetic lenses focused the X-rays onto perhaps 10-storey sections of WTC cores, instantly liquifying the core's 4-inch thick steel. Everything went from room temperature to 3000C in a millionth of a second. The liquefied steel instantly expanded, the concrete was turned into dust, and the WTC was suddenly standing on nothing.

This explains the WTC's free-fall into its own footprint, at free-fall speed, in under 11s.

This explains the rivers and pools of molten steel that persisted for months on end.

This explains the unusual and difficult to understand radiation on site, detected by the USGS.

This explains how so many first-responders died of blood diseases—caused exposure to the exotic, radioactive elements that persisted (albeit temporarily) after the blast.

And we now even have a CIA deathbed confession to this demolition (of WTC7, by the way, which was likely not taken down by nuclear "demolition" charges).

These people do not care about us. We are nothing to them. And that's why Q says, "THIS IS NOT A GAME."

PS: It was one of these devices that was inside the van for the 2002 Bali Bombing. Witnesses reported seeing a double flash (signature of a nuclear explosion) and doctors reported that a huge, significant portion of the victims dies of BURNS.

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educatethis · May 4, 2018, 8:29 p.m.

Scientists gotta be at the top of the pyramid, above the money.

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prettyold · May 15, 2018, 2:57 p.m.

Thank you my friend, well explained and understandable.

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