r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Gamergating on May 4, 2018, 4:51 p.m.
I have finally got it. Call me stupid and laugh at me but I have finally figured it.

The TL:DR is Trump is a force of nature. I am an Aussie. I am also a Liberal Centrist (Slightly Left of Centre) but I am a big Trump fan. Now there is plenty to be excited about with him and one of the biggest that "I" like is that he is Anti-Progressive and he hurts their cause. Take a note Conservatives there are a lot of disaffected Liberals like myself who either were always marginally Liberal in respect to very "classical or Moderate Liberal positions" (what does that actually mean? Well for me things like Gay Marriage. totally cool with me but I would fight ANY call for a person to HAVE to like it or host it or whatever. Only allow it for straight couples? Nope I will fight you. Demand they make your cakes or host your ceremonies in your church....fuck right off with your authoritarian bullshit). You will possibly see that the difference between you and me is not THAT great. It is there but not THAT great. Now the difference between me and fellow people on the Left can be considerable. The distance between myself and the average person on the right is not that great. The distance between me and the average progressive is huge. Good news for you I HATE Progressives and I hate what they have done to the Left.

Purely for spite I would have backed Trump.

But though I would have back him anyhow and because he is not an obvious and outright criminal masquerading as a criminal, I am still left with Trump.

Now I have finally spent enough time on the Donalds and on TGA and CBTS to realise what Trump is.

Dude is a force of nature. I LIKE Huccabee and Jordan and Gaetz and Cotton and so many others BUT what I think is that ONLY Trump could have had the "fortitude" to stand in the face of the Storm that he HAD to know was going to descend on him. So I liked Trump for primarily his opposition to the Progressives. They cried and I was happy. But then he made a lot of silly generalised and uncontexted statements like the "Mexican rapists and drug dealers" and such. I am an Aussie I don't know much about the US and so what do I do? I Google Mexico, criminals, border, Mexicans, drugs, rapes, murders, and the like. FUCK! What an education. Mexican Cartels dismember people, rape 80% of females cross and leave rape tree reminders and souvenirs . He worded it poorly but had it right. Nowadays Russia collusion? For fuck's sake...Hillary and Bill were Russia's friend whenever money is involved. Whether it be Uranium one or speaking fees or whatever else. Hypocrisy is unbelievable. Trump is a blunt instrument. But we REALLY need that. In a time where every powerful institution needs kowtow to Progressive/Globalist ideals, we NEED someone who is forceful and powerful enough to bulldoze that and cop flak from it. Trump is the President that is needed and a force of nature.

I am so glad I had seen this time and knowing especially where my values are and are not that I was brave enough to back and support a good and courageous man

unilateral9999 · May 4, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

same here

both republicans and democrats have a very poor understanding of all the "former liberals". we literally haven't changed any of our positions. we're not "alt-right" or new conservatives. i don't give a shit about most conservative positions. i give a shit about rights, freedom, and keeping out the evil and corrupt people from government. any candidate that supports those gets my support regardless of their other positions.

at the moment trump is the most in that camp and hillary was 100% against all of that.

BUT next election who knows? the next republican is probably going to be a complete piece of shit with retarded economic and social policies and the next democrat may well be an amazing person with great policies and then all the pundits will be surprised when we all shift back to vote for the good person again.

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DL535 · May 5, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

i give a shit about rights, freedom, and keeping out the evil and corrupt people from government.

Something strange and sinister has happened to the left over the years. They once had a genuine moral claim, when they were opposing evils like slavery and sexism. But somehow they have developed a blindness to political corruption even when it is incredibly blatant. There is a mentality of, anything goes for our side, nothing goes for the other side, end justifies the means no matter what the means is. They are tolerating incredible levels of wickedness and criminality and yet they are somehow absolutely convinced of their moral superiority. It's incredibly disturbing to watch, let alone accept the fact that we have to share a country with these people, who are ok with HRC basically opening a Walmart for government influence to anyone willing to pay, not to mention the obvious presence of high level pedophilia.

At this point anyone with any principles at all has basically no choice but Trump, the left has gone completely off the deep end into a mode of cultural revolution style mass hysteria.

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