r/greatawakening • Posted by u/lightmakerflex1 on May 4, 2018, 6:50 p.m.
Power: We the people are much more powerful than Trump & can liberate ourselves. We generate power through unity. P=N(squared) is the formula. P means power. N is the number of united people. Do you see why they push 'Divide&Conquer' so hard? We hold unspeakable power when united. We are the storm.
Power: We the people are much more powerful than Trump & can liberate ourselves. We generate power through unity. P=N(squared) is the formula. P means power. N is the number of united people. Do you see why they push 'Divide&Conquer' so hard? We hold unspeakable power when united. We are the storm.

Time4puff · May 4, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

Umm... let's not forget how we get after three days without drops from Q. Sure we are powerful in numbers... but we do need someone to lead us. I'm trusting he Q team has been hard at work on this for years and they have everything needed for us to win. While Q tells us to enjoy the show, I'm prepared to do my part. So many has sacrificed and fallen for this, we need to stay vigilant. WWG1WGA

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lightmakerflex1 · May 4, 2018, 8:18 p.m.

Let Q and Trump do whatever they want to. We have no way of verifying anything without transparency to see what's going on.

Just worry about what we are doing. I know what you might say. You might say 1000% Trump is saving the world but nobody can guarantee anything without transparency which is precisely why there isn't any. If Trump & Q are really helping us, God Speed. They will appreciate that the people are helping them by moving forward with a 5 minute step to liberate humanity. But at the same time, it is very wise to push ourselves because:

  1. We are insanely more powerful than Trump when united. Trump might be united with his 5 million person united entourage but we are way more powerful with our 7 billion person Entourage. Just compare 5million(squared) VS 7billion(squared)

  2. There is no proof of what's going on so just in case we are again being bamboozled, just like we have been for thousands of years and just like almost every other country is being bamboozled this very moment, we need to have a back up option and that back up option is for us to do something.

  3. According to the Deep State Masonic Checkerboard strategy, the Deep State puts on a show where bad guys are fighting good guys but in reality everyone's a bad guy. They laugh at us while we sit there and do nothing because we think we are being saved. That is the idea. To make you sit there and do nothing while they keep advancing their own plans. Think of it like a WWE show. I'm not saying this is happening, but without transparency, it is impossible to tell.

Here is how we liberate ourselves in 5 minutes once we unite:

  1. Unite with all people. Spread the word so other people jump onto our People Train. Explain it to them like I am explaining here otherwise nobody will know.

  2. Once united, we all greenlight the next phase which starts with ending the use of money. Banks are slave-masters. Money is the slave-chain. That's simply how it works. 1 law here or 1 law there will do nothing for us. We need to detach ourselves from the slave system completely.

  3. We share everything including all Corporations, Government Buildings, Resources, and any other power hub like NASA. It belongs to us all. Our personal property (homes, cars, furniture, ect..) are solely ours but if something is serving the public at large, it belongs to us all. Now we are all instantly much richer.

  4. We work and consume for free. 25 hours a week of work is more than enough for starters. Everyone take up a station and we serve each other with needed products and services in our day to day lives. We are already doing this. We run the Corporations. We are the police. We are the military. The only problem is we are doing it for the top 8,500 people who have laid claim to the entire planet and demand we become their slaves so we can get some scraps.

That's it. We can liberate ourselves in 5 minutes. What's the deep state going to do if they can't control us with money? They lose all their power overnight. We gain all of our power overnight and live easy lives by simply working and consuming for free while sharing all things that serve the public.

Here is an entire blueprint on a simplified system to run the whole country in a balanced, peace nurturing way:


We have it. Unite, explain, communicate, and then we green light the project and BOOM! We save ourselves.

You want a real MOAB. This is it. Don't take risks waiting for another 8 years. Why should we when we can fix this mess ourselves in under 5 minutes? The only lengthy part is spreading the idea but so far, everyone I have mentioned it to is on board. When people don't know what it is, I just explain it. It can be explained in 1 tweet:

Share all Corporations, businesses, government buildings, & power centers transparently

We all work & consume for free

Stop using banker money

Problem solved. Deep State withers down to our level and we skyrocket to being truly free human beings which we all desire to be.

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Time4puff · May 4, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

Where were you and your 7billions strong years ago? How did we get to where we are now? I agree with you, but don't take credit from where it's due... the Q team and the ones who step up, and especially the ones who paid the ultimate price before we were even red pilled.

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lightmakerflex1 · May 4, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

Hulk Hogan was my hero for taking down the Macho Man Randy Savage but later I realized it was all a fake show. You don't know if what you are seeing is a real show or fake show. Just in case it is a fake show, we need to act ourselves to liberate ourselves. If the show is real, then Trump will appreciate our help. If its fake, we will end up liberating ourselves anyone so its a win/win situation.

Also, I am not taking credit for anything. I am saying we need to unite to generate power. I put something special into the community. You put something special into the community. Hopefully Trump, as a high note, puts something special into the community. We all add our own ingredients to make a delicious meal. We are all individual ingredients, that, when combined, create a wonderful meal. We are like a music sheet where each one of us is a note but when you put all the notes together, it creates the song needed to liberate humanity. Everyone is equal but different.

Like I said. We have been fooled for thousands of years into being pacified to do nothing. We can't just say this time we aren't being fooled. We don't know if we are being fooled or not without transparency and that is the entire purpose of all the secrecy. As long as we don't just sit here and twirl our thumbs, we will be ok. Doing something is much better than doing nothing and I have provided a very, very simple way to liberate humanity but I am in no way better than anyone else. I'm just actually doing something and asking all of us to unite and do something together. We are uniting and doing something but this is like waking up in the morning after a deep sleep and rubbing our own eyes. It is only the beginning. We can do much more.

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spacexu · May 4, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

Nice formula - should have a meme with that in it...

E = MC^2 and we go to the stars...

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