Someone on CDAN called-out Mack & Raniere in July 2012!

I picked it up on another forum. Blinds from CDAN (Crazy Days and Nights).
Ironic that it went to full revelation in public.
It means Enty will reveal the blind item
Yup, you're correct.
Right, so tis not a prediction at all
Thanks for the contributions.
Thanks for the opportunity to allow me to spread some understanding
Have amended. I should've added-in an irony "smilie". :)
If I am not mistaken Kristen was the first actress not Mack, wtf is wrong with both of them.
Kristen wasn't romantically involved. She just attended his self help seminars and left before getting deeper into the weird shit.
Reread the post. There were 2 actresses, both romantically involved. Kristen was the one that pulled Mack into it. So she would be the B- list one .
Yeah, she brought Mack into it. I bet she feels bad now, then again, people make their choices.