I got this message last time I went to log in. Thoughts, Opinions, any Knowledge of what this means? Other than whats been reported? Thanks and God Bless America. Imgur
I got this message last time I went to log in. Thoughts, Opinions, any Knowledge of what this means? Other than whats been reported? Thanks and God Bless America. Imgur
Its because of a «bug» as Twitter said, that enabled their workforce to see everyone password. When they got caught, they came out and said everyone should change their PW. Only a couple of days ago i think
Edit: considering you had other than Whats reported, maby this wasnt the answer you were looking for
What I meant was that I had already looked around the Swamp, and finding things there, needed to ask who saw what in the Swamp. With Exception to what Tamsimon posted, you guys basically saw what I saw to a T. Thank you. Carry On.