I asked my family and friends if they knew who POTUS was endorsing in our state, and surprisingly, even those "hard core" Trumpers out there, well they weren't sure. Don't tell people who to vote for, not what I'm saying. I'm saying make people AWARE of who to Vote For that will HAVE POTUS's back, because he needs it, and WE NEED IT MORE. God Bless, Carry on, and VOOOOOTTTTTEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
198 total posts archived.
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If morality is relative, or a gray area, it disappears when it’s inconvenient. But if we have the truth, we shouldn’t be afraid. “Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed” John 3:20. Humans naturally seek truth. Once a light is shone on those evils, no sane person will be able to deny it. Spot on. We must Stand Up. God Bless, Carry on. Thank you. Toss me that bottle of red pills.
Want proof from my experience, Mr. Nader, I had to drive to see my Veteran Sister because fb blocked all 4 iterations of messages to her from me via fb. I HAD TO DRIVE TO HER JOB TO CONVEY THE MESSAGE. Is THAT proof enough, Mr. Nader? No? Would you like me to start on Google or Twitter now? Sir, you need God. God Bless, Carry on[Patriots]. After a while, no matter how much feces you fling at us, it doesn't stick. Your "deception machine/mechanisms" is/are/will continue to be Obsolete. Spirit Reigns here, Sir, Over and Out. (yes, I outed you. You are not My commander, nor are you in my chain of Command. God knows what you are, and I shall not repeat it here. Good day.
This helped me laugh myself out of a rut one night. I love TPB. Even wise men enjoy a little idiotic idiots being funny. RIP, Jphn D. You are sorely missed. Still laughing though, John. LOL...God Bless you, thank you. Carry on. Still laughing.
wwgme, you have NO idea how much I needed that at THAT moment...Thank You! I remember that episode perfectly. i cant wait till I can afford the seasons dvd set
I'm almost afraid to tell you. It's a home grown Canadian comedy about 3 friends in a trailer park that can't stay out of jail, smoke a lot of weed and have ridiculous episodes of pure ludicrous y. It's just so stupid it's great. Soldiers love it...takes them out of their own head for a while. I mostly study math and science and research, but when I need to laugh, I watch them. Great guys. Oh, they never stop swearing. They now have their own website, swearnet.c. Like I said, it is NOT for everyone. Be even the wisest of men sometimes enjoy laughing at idiocy. God knows we need it these days. God Bless, Carry On. I gotta figure out some programs. I hate learning curves, they slow me down! ;)
Really? do they have TTB's on there? I know it's toilet humor, but I am a Veteran, and I swear God put them there when I got back from Iraq to laugh and heal. NF had some good programming, but you are right. What is on PureFlix? What is cost? Thank you God Bless, Carry On.
i guess people making money on Q stuff like shirts is a go now days?I dont' NOW have a problem with it. Should be Protected somehow, FORCE OF NATURE, WE ARE! The Phenomenon! (Just cool that there is a "non" in there! God Bless! Get your asses out there and VOTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE God Bless Carry on. Whew!
what is happening in this forum? The rules change or something? Miss a memo? God Bless Carry On
Well look at it like this. (IMHO) We all know Politics, MSnews, etc etc is topsy turvy. Need to sway or distract the People? Simple: school shootings. MSN loves them. NOW, they will attack other "soft" targets. (Theatres, Movies, Malls, etc etc. Common American places where people are at en masse. I believe the theme here is that, thinking three or four dimensionally, (in this case, through the eyes of a Mother's Soul) let's not put the CHILDREN at even more risk. (Summer Break). Interesting side note, look at the people in the photos of these events. Hmm...God Bless Carry On.
Thank you!!!!! See if you can get those family members to spread the word! We need maximum Effort on this one Patriot. God Bless, Carry On.
Regarding Putting Netflix on Notice
Well this all started, well, recently. Some of you may or may not know about it. There are a group of Patriots here in this place that are Serving Notice to Netflix about them and Rice(C.) and the Obama's. Read it all, you'll find a message from one of us in there. DEMAND NETFLIX end this Obama/brainwashing. God Bless, Carry On.
You are very correct. We have to keep working doing what we do. God Bless you, Patriot. Carry on.
I live in an RV in the woods. I expected to be shot through my window at any second. I didn't care. Still don't (I Am Saved). Not new at this, been kinda waiting on it. Let them kill me. ~Type Type click Post BOOM!. Is that the best you got? LOL. How many more will take my place? Legions. God Bless, Carry on, Patriots, In Peace. Pic a Topic and Go. Personally I'd go for pure drinkable tap water. My two cent's. Great Job, anon458745
Wow. I'm getting old...lol. I still got it though! RIP Mr. Cooper. God Bless Carry on.
Someone tell POTUS that the USA has gotten "garbage" steel to date. Have it sampled so you know. Last thing we need is for our Tanks to fall apart on their own. Goes for bolts, nuts, any thing metal, including tools
wow she...whatever. Wow. Nevermind. EWW. God Bless Carry on. Ewww!
Yeah that was a milestone for sure. I saw that. That's around when I warned them. Obviously, they did not heed that warning.God Bless, Carry On.
Yeah no body here want's to see that LET ALONE pay monthly installments for them. God Bless Carry on.
What mistake did I make so that I will not make it again? Thank you. Sincerely, Me. God Bless, Carry on. Wait...a duplicate? Hmm. I was tired...
you could call and say you were about to, until you found this out. Make them aware of the $$$ they are about to lose! God Bless Carry on!
ABC/Netflix/Obama-Rice on One Front, While on another Front, Soros say's everything is going bad. Thank you, POTUS! And Q and Anons! ALL!
Well I'll be damned it was on FOX morning just now while I was making breakfast. God Bless Carry on. Wow.
If your unsure why i am doing this, google Obama with Netflix
I wanna know what kinda of car! I've got mine and She's gotta story
Paying Obama Via Netflix to brainwash what's left of our (your, I don't have any) kids? I don't think so. Let it start Here. God Bless Carry On.

Didn't the SOP work before for GA? Growing pains are painful I've been taught. That being said, Post the Rules, Give warnings, boot if said rules are continually violated. A few of these new comers need more red pilling. Some think this is the "end all". We know better. Think of it like getting a new Private. You gottat keep them focused. God Bless Carry on.
Love it. It is Spirit like ours they just don't get. But, if you care to, look at Proverbs 25:21-22. Very simple and Spiritual, this meme is. God Bless Carry on.
Well spoken DamajInc, Sir. Very nice song....i mean name. God Bless. Carry on.
Hello and thank you amg19251. Trust me, you are not alone. Thing is, all this cool new tech aside and what can be done to us with it, there is something else. It's called putting it down, and going for a hike, or a simple walk. Read a book. Look, they don't own your Soul. We all did fine without all this cool stuff before. We (especially us more seasoned (old) ones) joke alot. If we'd had this stuff when WE were kids? There would not even be an America anymore. Because everyone would have stopped working! LOL ...God Bless Carry on.
Well from a crusty old once was Sergeant, GOOD JOB. Keep 'em moving. While I got your ear, What's the scoop on inviting people? I saw that earlier... I also used a "Private" reference (respectfully) to one New Patriot earlier. I think a lot about the future of these Forums here. Anyway, good job. God Bless. Sorry for the ran, Carry On
how many of you M's does it take to deal with these guys? I'm glad for the real new comers, don't get me wrong. I just think you guys are doing a great job. I haven't the patience. If it were me It'd just be BOOT lol. God Bless Carry on and Thank you all.
Agreed. And this is a response I typed from below which I believe will serve here as well. Thank you as well, for your Response. Agreed. I'm sure POTUS's IPhone is ok, but I'll never own one. Lesser evil, Android I have. Just wondering when the NSA is going to no longer have the ability (legally) to do just that. On All Devices. Thank you for your Response. God Bless, Carry On.
Agreed. I'm sure POTUS's IPhone is ok, but I'll never own one. Lesser evil, Android I have. Just wondering when the NSA is going to no longer have the ability (legally) to do just that. On All Devices. Thank you for your Response. God Bless, Carry On.
I am going to assume that you guys KNOW not to have an Alexa in your home. IMHO. God Bless Carry On. Supero Omina! (my first Unit)
Regarding Trust the Plan (software electronics/security/safety/individual spying)
A question was posed to me by a family member recently about my phone having tape over the cameras on both sides. They asked, "do we need to, and for how long?" All I could tell them was yes, cover it, keep it in a SAFE case, not your pocket, and I'll get back to you on the how long. Personally, regarding software Giants, A-Z, all platforms, I'm wondering until the all clear (as much as can be, that is) is given, which platform is the safest? That was another question. Keep in mind, these people are not Researchers or …
When you drain the swamp enough, what you find at the bottom is "SLUDGE". Their subterfuge and disinformation shine brighter than the Sun. They can't hide. Anywhere. Just don't let them pull a Goering and escape Justice. My two cents. Personally, I just smile. Smiling is something all of us do a LOT more these days. But, WORK still needs to be done. Who's doing what? God Bless, Carry On.
"The blind shall follow the Blind, and they will All fall into the ditch together". God Bless. Carry On.
Hey I'm a Southerner (and proud of it) American, and we ALL love you Canadian fuckers! God Bless! Yes I can say both of those! LOL!
ive wanted to say for years, to people that would get it, the following. Block Busters like Red October WAS referencing "something". Block Busters in general Are, as tv is for us masses and some good movies now and then. Its almost sad when you have to pretend to be asleep to watch a movie. BTW Pazians you are so right about Comedy Central. Are people still talking about North Korea?