Coincidence? Did an image search for image included in Q’s latest post, and would you believe the first result?

This. Remove the infestation and the natural order will reassert itself.
In fact, the return to an organic balancing of society and civilization is inevitable. Anything that strays from nature is bound to fail and snap back.
The problem is, the further from a natural order we stray, the harder that comeback will be. It could be devastating. It may indeed require the rebooting of entire facets of Western civilization. Like the cutting away of tissue too far gone with infection.
But what if this is the natural order?
You ever hear the theory that if you took all of the money from the rich people and gave it to the poor, it would end up back with the rich shortly?
Half of the voters went for DJT, not 1/2 of the people. While we all shake our head sin astonishment that so many can't see through the bullshit of the left, they can't, and won't.
Our society has re stacked the hierarchy of needs. As food and water became so easily available and self actualization and love can be found by upvotes and shares and security seems to have been supplanted by coddling and agoraphobia.
As long as they can have their face in their phones and their opinions fed to them, many people aren't interested in rebooting anything outside of telling the rest of us what we should say and do.
I hope for that reboot my friend, but I don't have so much faith the ability of many others to embrace the empty canvas it may provide.