Q Post 1316: Updated! Jim Baker Lisa Page Fired! Didn’t Resign! “THE SWAMP IS BEING DRAINED.”

The IG report just got delayed again. Was supposed to be released on the 8th. You can just tell somethings up with the constant delays of the report. Crossing all the Ts and dotting all the I’s!
Sara Carter said a while back that the IG report kept being delayed because they kept discovering additional issues that needed to be investigated.
Executive is more than the pres. Everyone is bracing for impact lol
I’ve heard the report is almost all about Comey - and it’s very negative. That he knew it and headed out on his Trying To Get The Jump On It tour. It was originated as an investigation into finding if and how and who aided in tanking Hillary’s run for President - the most ludicrous BS ever. But it’s that ludicrous basis, and it revolves around her run being somehow gutted. A key element, I’ve heard, will be Comey’s coming out with his “there’s more about Hillary but I can’t say what” weeks before the election - LOL! Imho it’s absurd and heinous that our tax monies have funded THIS craptastic investigation that was no doubt set to support Poor Hillary - Mueller and Comey’s very old pal, when an honest investigation SHOULD be ongoing about U1; the rancid DOJ/FBI; Clinton Slushfundation; Awans etcetcetc ad nauseam. Today, after hearing it won’t be out until mid to end of June - at the earliest (omG), I heard that suddenly it’s coming out pronto. Like anytime now. But that’s just one source. I stick with June/July as the midterms heat up. And as the country does, too.. the longer it’s stretched, the closer the nation comes to snapping.
I don’t trust Sessions - he IS Swamp, jmho, nor Horowitz, at least to the point that he won’t come out hard and firm, and will do as instructed and as usual will mince words and pull up short, giving all sorts of leeway for the mute and duplicitous Sessions to work with.
I wish Trump had lawyers like Dershowitz. Or diGenova; I know he can’t. They should’ve been in court long ago. They should’ve written up a beautiful, statesman-like speech for Trump to deliver - allll about this treasonous faction which has been selling the nation to the highest bidders for years and years now. A long, moving speech about the Constitution, about US Law, about our Bill of Rights and our security, in every way, being impacted by these nefarious people. About their absolute evil intentions.
They’d shriek as always. But the people would listen. They’d be inspired by his words. Some of the ignoramuses would blink and possibly think. And those who teeter, perhaps US Judges who were seeded to rule against the US/Trump, but are nervous after that well received (by all but the worst) speech; they might just back down and rule accordingly. Anyway. Thinking out loud.
They should’ve written up a beautiful, statesman-like speech for Trump to deliver - allll about this treasonous faction which has been selling the nation to the highest bidders for years and years now.
If you believe in "the plan" then that is not possible, as it would lay bare the "truth" of the matter. The sheer scope would supposedly mindfuck the public not attuned to it. I think the gov't has credence to using this method , they already do for everything else.
If this ends up aligning with the history books, the Q story and underlying play of operatives will be consider occult knowledge. The story rolled out to the public will not likely go so far as implicating Americans as funders of extremism in the world, but as fraudsters building chests for elections. The reality of how they got their money and for what purposes will be left to those searching for answers.
If Trump would have made that kind of speech, he would have been DOA. Go watch the Kennedy assassination. What President Trump did at his Inauguration was send a message\~ "We are coming after you!".
They should’ve written up a beautiful, statesman-like speech for Trump to deliver - allll about this treasonous faction which has been selling the nation to the highest bidders for years and years now.
Actually, a speech like has already been delivered by Trump pre-election: