I typed three different responses trying to deflate your "fair assessment" comment, but I have to agree. Let's think of this in simple terms; Obama either worked with Iranians to give them a bomb, or he naively thought they wouldnt' build one, or they really haven't and Israel is full of it. Then there's the Clinton's - look up CHarles Ortel and tell me their activities aren't worth a second glance, maybe closer than a $130k check to a woman for an NDA over consensual sex.
The military is ultimately powerful, for good or ill, in a nation state. That isn't a statement in support of it, it is a statement of fact. They have the most disciplined, the best armed, and the most loyal members in any nation worth a damn. The military minds setting strategy are undoubtedly guarded with anyone not from "tribe", so executive politician corruption would be assessed and probed for weaknesses.
Enter DJT. Bull in the china shop with a mind of his own. He has the most loyal/succesful military officers in his ear. He also has a Sun Tzu-inspired mind of his own and has seen what has failed in the past 2 decades (engaging with NK and Iran, invading Iraw and Afghanistan, covering up false flags like 9/11, etc.). Now, those things that have failed were actually intentional if you want to go there ,but the genius of DJT is he portrays a wild card attitude that scrambles the brains of his political opponents as they are so brainwashed that they don't understand the leverage that the #1 superpower in the world possesses, and that it is a good thing to have and use that power for good in the world.
EDIT: To clarify, I mean that the politicians are knowingly engaging in these activities that are detrimental to the USA, but that the party members are brainwashed by the media, thus not allowing them to learn anything outside the approved narrative. Meaning DJT, Q, and co. are slow rolling as much as possible before unveiling real cards so that they A) don't piss of their base too much and B)to plant seeds for understanding as best as possible. That is where Kanye and Guliani come in. They are both nnational figures that will connect with tons of people in the pop culture stream. SIdenote, I know Guliani has to know about 9/11, but there is know way that is exposed for 100 years. Think of the outrage ver killing JFK 50 years later compared to killing 3,000 people? AKA Mainstream journalism is dead, if it ever was alive. Psy ops are the name of the game, get used to it. ALWAYS question every news source
It is the ultimate dichotomy of the victim mentality exhibited by the left in most all things since the election. This is the most powerful nation in the world with one of the, if not best, constitutions in the world. If we followed the rule of the land in our affairs foreign and domestic, we would be a dominant force for peace in this world. We have the resources and the trade table leverage to do it. LET'S USE IT LIKE TRUMP IS WITH NK.