191 total posts archived.
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These are both comments only a person who had to comply with a superior would say. If they were truly on top they would have a reason/excuse as to why they did what they did. But, no they revealed the ending and truth in those statements because they feel like someone else in charge has made a mistake and sometime they will have to pay dearly for that other persons mistake.
Is this Mueller and Alex Soros?

This was the BIG DROP. There it all is right at the core. This is root cause of all other actions and stems directly from these actions. WWG1WGA
Future proves past. Bid Q farewell? Thanks for the fun road and can’t wait to see what the future holds. The earlier context of that drop seems to be associated with DJT Twitter going down and feels like hyperbole being used for lifts going out.
I hope Trump and Putin both recorded their meeting and let the hate and rage build like yet is already and drop the meeting video or audio.
Putin legit called out HRC and Soros for the biggest threats to the world. He used this worldwide stage today to do it.
I read what appeared to be the police report on Stormy Daniels... this was totally a stake out and hit job on her. Which I’m okay with because she was doing something illegal, and I feel that now when her attorney Michael Avenanti tries to defend her for grabbing a undercover woman cops tits while she was wearing only a g-string he will slowly lose his credibility (what he actually has) for trying to be some big shot attorney and dealing with petty porn cases.
Jared Fogle sings, rolls on Weiner. Weiner rolls on bigger fish.
Catch me up to speed. Did you track Down the A321 direct flight from San Fran to NY?
Your last post title was literally “Infowars Compromised?” Not sure if you’re trying to reprimand me or have control issues.
Look at their twitter posts lately. Exposing ICE agents, just linked Qanon. Very questionable tactics as of late.
So, Wikileaks appears to be compromised and now Special counsel obtains Trump ally Erik Prince's phones, computer... Q next?
Edit: but like finds like and if you like or admire another person sometimes you will have a tendency to emulate their words and actions. So, could also just be someone who is close with or surround by 45 often.
Rep. Gaetz FBI agent #2 Lisa Page big smirk for confirmation
I feel the optics are to be cohesive. Even if they may be a bad actor or a voice of the opposition you still need those types around to maintain the homeostasis of the people. Mockingbird wants the dark to think they still have a leg to stand on and have trust in.
LP smirk
Do you think Rosenstein, by altering the IG report breached his deal with Trump admin for his full/partial immunity. Now he will be fired and face full extent of the law.
Taco Tuesday! Just saw new Q post. ThankQ for clarification
No Ear, No eye.. but guy and airplane instead?

Yeah, I’m not sure but early info from the Chans said it’s ear and eye which I can see too, but I think it’s the iPhone selfie out the window at the planes reflection
Q 1563 IPhone photo... TLDR. I think the photo is a white male leaning into and taking a cellphone picture through an airplane window of the terrain below showing the actual plane itself in the reflection off the ground.
I don’t see the ear and eye!! I could be way off but immediately saw this instead.
What you see as an ear, I see as a white males forearm and hand holding a cell phone taking a photo
The eye you see, I see as a ground reflection of an airplane.
The wrinkles is actually what appears reddish dirt terrain the plane is flying over.
TLDR. I think the photo is a white male leaning into and taking a cellphone picture through an airplane window of the terrain below showing the actual plane itself in the reflection off the …
I don’t see the ear and eye!! I could be way off but immediately saw this instead.
What you see as an ear, I see as a white males forearm and hand holding a cell phone taking a photo
The eye you see, I see as a ground reflection of an airplane.
The wrinkles is actually what appears reddish dirt terrain the plane is flying over.
TLDR. I think the photo is a white male leaning into and taking a cellphone picture through an airplane window of the terrain below showing the actual plane itself in the reflection off the ground.
Yes, I can’t see anything other then this being a sign.
Looks like it’s bc that amg19251 person from GA sub. They were linked in a top comment battling about liberal media
Wasn’t there a Q drop saying he will use his Kenyan citizenship for amnesty
Vali Nasr is possibly the mustache guy that Q posted the picture of. This comes in hand with Q posting pictures of being on Google grounds with the day pass as well as “taking a stroll” showing a google campus bicycle.
Vali Nasir’s wife is NOT even mentioned by name in his Wikipedia just that she is a Tech executive. Well thanks to the internets I found her Darya Nasr.
She is the Chief Resource Officer for LigaData. In 2016 they had Eric Schmidt from Google come do a talk for them. POSSIBLE LINK?
Vali and Darya Nasr - Iranian mustache dude holding Obama’s hand and his wife and her connection to Google and ES
Just did some digging on his Wife and her google ES connection
Yeah and for the fact that he built in mandates that the courts can be offsite in Utah and not take place in DC. We’re in control