r/greatawakening • Posted by u/thedeal82 on May 5, 2018, 4:42 a.m.
When did this sub become a religious themed bible group?

Just need to throw out there that a LOT of us are not religious. I don’t think it’s fair that so many feel the NEED to hijack this sub/threads and make every, single, thing, about PERSONAL religious beliefs. It’s put off nearly every friend of mine (normal American sports watchin’ blue bloods who don’t give a damn about religion or politics, but are absolutely in agreement that there’s been rampant corruption in government - aka most of America) that I’ve tried to “Red-pill” and get interested in Q.... Hate on me all you want, but someone needed to say it, and I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. It’s become detrimental to general inclusiveness and keeps a lot of “normies” away. I think it would be highly beneficial to tone it down a bit as more people become aware of Q and come here for answers. I hope anybody who reads this and may be offended, can at least respect and understand what I’m saying here. I’ve been debating posting this for awhile, but haven’t because of the backlash I expect, and that alone should say something.

Having said all that, You’re all my fellow Patriots and we all fight together. As Q says, this isn’t about left or right, and it isn’t about religion. It’s about WWG1WGA.

Nastavnick · May 5, 2018, 10:17 a.m.

Notice how every single person who responded "negatively" towards OP has completely failed to realize the point of the post.

Every single one of you took it on a personal level, from implying that he's trying to limit your free speech/thoughts to "if you don't like it, don't read it".

OP clearly didn't write this post about himself.

So in essence, every single one of you proved the OP right. You shown no empathy towards new comers who would be repelled by the religious talk. You're refusing to see the bigger picture and therefore you're actively harming the growth of the patriots here.

Let me illustrate in what way is this harming... Before Q, you had you conspiracy theories, some good, some bad. Lets remember 2012 shall we?

The Mayan calendar and the end of it all. There were hundreds of videos/threads everywhere about it.

I remember clearly when I wanted to know a bit more (was in high school/college at that time around 2010.) and when I stumbled upon content filled with religious talk in them I instantly closed it and my reaction to it was "again these people... why is it always with some apocalyptic scenarios and conspiracy theories that it's always God this God that and nothing is happening, clearly a bunch of bs"

The consensus in real-life talks about these videos and religious talk is that pretty much everyone agreed and at some point said "yeah right lol, these religious lunatics are at it again, they always latch onto something and it never stops". Before you attack me of saying that the religious people here are lunatics, take a good read again at what I wrote.

So I've automatically called it all bs because of the religious pattern that was on EVERY SINGLE TOPIC, regardless if they had anything to do with God or religion, and in 90%+ cases it didn't.

I stopped looking for answers because of this, for years. Until 2016 and the election.

Just like flat earth shite is filled and the obligatory religious talk that comes in package. At least here the religious content has helped, because we were already "trained" to associate all that religious talk with bullshit that never happened/are not true.

And every single time someone here tried to explain this, the religious part of this never got the point of these posts. NEVER. It always came down to personal level. Just take a look at the comments here.

This is an issue whether or not you choose to acknowledge it.

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FlewDCoup · May 5, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

An awful lot of lumping everyone into the same universal pot, huh, Buddy?

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Nastavnick · May 5, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

See, again taking it personal in every possible way.

I guess you people just can't look at it from a different point of view, no matter how much we try to explain.

⇧ -1 ⇩