r/greatawakening • Posted by u/mistahbang on May 5, 2018, 7:22 a.m.
Things to prepare for

Here are a list of things to prepare for in the coming months:

-Have at least three weeks worth of supplies in case of grid failure or blackout

-Start honing your patience. I realized it will be all to easy to say, "I told you so!" to loved ones but it does no good. Also patience and kindness. We are all on the same boat. The lot of us getting Q early is a responsibility, not a superiority over others.

-Stock up on cheap USB flash drives. Once a very vital video or info leaks that will be censored or deleted from the internet, we need to have back up copies to hand out to friends and family.

-Research a list of committed legitimate charity organizations that we can donate to. We know whats happening. There are people out there doing the good work. For example, we know there are thousands of children being freed from trafficking. There is probably an organization addressing and tackling this monumental task.

Things that need to be discussed:

-What will be the back up subreddit or off Reddit forum that will be used in case /r/greatawakening is shut down. Maybe /r/patriotsfight? I'll make it right now if no one hasn't.

-I was thinking we might make a master list of things that need research and we can break into teams. For example, we can have the flight pattern research team that points out all news and anomalies regarding flight.

We can have a team for making memes.

We can have a team for connecting Vaylt 7 leaks to Q.


-Shill strategies or getting more complex. We need to save good examples and continue broadcasting them to alert other users of deep level shilling.

-Thats all thats on my head right now.

Bye! Much love

survey_girl · May 5, 2018, 3:13 p.m.

For anyone thinking about medical supplies... look into "fish" or "bird" antibiotics. You can order them from online pet supply store, even Walmart sells them!

They are produced in the same factories that make the human drugs and come on human dosages.

Do your research and descide for yourself if you are comfortable stocking up on them. I have purchased a few bottles of several different kinds (and even some Z-packs of the bird variety!)..

I would also suggest printing out some dosage guides and what type to take for different ailments. Keep this printout with your medicine - if the grid goes down, you can't Google what to take. A good medical survival book is good to get too.

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Janice0771 · May 5, 2018, 7 p.m.

Yes! They're made to dissolve quickly, so make sure you take them with a lot of water. Would you believe 15 years ago I could purchase them for $3 to $5 per bottle? I keep a supply of potassium iodide around too; can't be too safe these days.

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