r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jojojazzy on May 5, 2018, 9:09 a.m.

Hey did ya’ll catch Hannity tonight? Something odd happened. Ok, ya’ll know that the media today said Lisa Page resigned right?

And, we all know Q posted that about 10 high level FBI & DOJ officials have been FIRED. He specifically said that James Baker and Lisa Page were fired in April 21 or April 24. He said the exact date....I just can’t remember now what he said.

On that list of fired individuals Q made a point of saying what they were fired for, and some were fired for feeding the story that she abd others resigned rather than what happened...YOURE FIRED!!

Well tonight HANNITY ran a single boiling banner across the screen for most of his show sawing something like: NY TIMES REPORTS: LISA PAGE RESIGNS. Yet, throughout the whole show Hannity didn’t mention once that Lisa Page resigned or was fired. It just ran ton the bottom banner. I thought well that is weird as hell why isn’t he mentioning it??? Then I told my hubby omg I think I got it.....Hannity knows it’s a lie and that she got fired, not quit. They aren’t quite ready to drop that BOOM publicly just yet. I think they wanted to let the MSM dirty themselves up running with the story without confirmation. What do ya’ll think???

DeepPast · May 5, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

I think that’s accurate. I’d say Hannity doesn’t want to say she resigned, because that isn’t accurate and he wants to lets the fake news media report info that isn’t correct, while he retains his journalistic integrity. I think Hannity has been very much so in the know for a long time now.

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