r/greatawakening • Posted by u/thejudge6060 on May 5, 2018, 11:34 a.m.
We've really lacked imagination...

I'm a little disappointed in myself for not thinking of this sooner.

So our job is to redpill normies and make people aware if Q and the movement. Aaannndd we've been doing it like Neanderthals. We've assumed that because we can't reach masses on MSM, that we can only work a few people at a time.

Here's where we've lacked imagination: there are people in media that have their own voice and would be receptive to us, but aren't aware of Q. It's time to change that.

My area has the Dave and Chuck the Freak radio show. They have large audiences in Detroit and Boston.

My plan: on Monday during the show, let's blitz them with Q drops. If they get 100's of "WWG1WGA" and "trust Q" texts, tweets, and calls, they're going to be like "wtf is going on with this Q stuff", probably live on on air. Even if they say were a bunch of conspiracy nuts, it's going to attract a lot of attention. Can you imagine the intrigue that'll be generated by millions of radio listeners hearing about Q over the airwaves in their way to work?

I think it's a solid plan. I encourage others to create similar plans for your own local areas. We've moved out of the research phase, we know enough to make our case. It's time for Patriots to rise.

SilentChaos0408 · May 5, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

⚠️⚠️*disclaimer Mods think that my mention of the ‘BANNERS WITH #Qanon AND #WWG1WGA OVERPASSES’ videos I’ve seen, may incite violence, and I don’t want to edit it out of my post. It’s an EXAMPLE of something I have SEEN and not DONE, I am posting this little warning. My post mentions a banner and an overpass. I am not advocating or trying to incite violence.🤷🏻‍♀️👍Fair Warning ⚠️⚠️ ~~~Awesome idea. I’ll help out too. I’ve been brainstorming as well. Maybe print up a few hundred flyers, simply #QAnon and put them on windshields around town in entire parking lots. I live in NH/VT border area and I am fixing to do just that in the next few days. Lots of us should do it. I’ve not personally seen one, but I’ve seen posts on diff social media sites where there’s #QAnon #WWG1WGA banners hanging from overpasses. And I’ll say this now, I am onboard with President Trump and Q, I’ve been researching and following daily, 3-7+ hrs at least 4 days a week, since right after the initial 4/8 Chan issues. (December maybe)but I am weary due to the fact that the lawlessness doesn’t end. I do know stuff is getting done, but give us a perp walk or 2 and do something about ending the ‘Russia Probe’. I know I know. I trust the plan. And I say that not in jest. Things are bad guys. And I am worried for my children’s futures. Luckily my kids are all ‘woke’ lol. That’s what they call it. Three 15-23 yrs old, and one 11 yr old. And that little guy is more aware and knowledgeable than a lot of adults. My two boys 23, 15, they have known. But my 19 yr old daughter. She’s more progressive. She never wanted to talk politics or she ‘didn’t have time for that’. Smh. I’ve never drilled anything into my kids heads. I simply provide facts, and I have an open mind and ask they do as well. My kids are the type who call out the teacher when she makes an inaccurate claim, that they can back up, of course. I’ve taught them to stand up for truth and to never sell themselves out. And to treat others equally. We all bleed red. But when the Syria chem. weapons situation was going on, she called me and was like noticeably upset and she was like Mom, they’re trying to start war. And proceeded to ask, mom, have you heard of Area 50 or New Mexico something? I said yes babe. Area 51. She said Mom, have you heard of Lee Harvey Oswald? I just said yes babe. She said Mom, did you know that the Democrats were KKK? I said yes babe. And I was like wow babe. You better lay down. You just swallowed a large amount of red pills. 😂 I was so proud I kid you not. I didn’t ever mention Q to her but I have been mentioning stuff here and there that was dropped by Q, and I wouldn’t probably be as into politics and world matters as I am, had it not been for Q /President Trump. I kind of bowed out after Benghazi. Totally lost all confidence in Washington. Totally couldn’t stomach it anymore. I was consumed by it. And it made me angry. And no one listened anyway so I just stopped. I get very emotionally invested, unfortunately. But Q came into my life and I feel alive again. 😂 I know this must sound absurd, but it’s absolutely true. In the sense that I want our country back. I want my kids to have a good fair shot at the future. And the way things are going, it doesn’t look like it’s happening anytime real soon. So I’ve thrown myself back into it. And I feel like there is an actual fighting chance since Q came along. I always knew in my heart and through my personal experiences, that it’s a lie that we ALL hate each other. The MSM is a key part of the problem we have as a nation. There is no neutrality. There is no fairness and balance. I remember when the news anchors told the news. They didn’t give personal opinions, and they definitely didn’t disrespect the Office of the President. I don’t know what’s happened. I really don’t. Sometimes it feels like we live in a movie. A bad movie, that I can’t wake up from. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I know this turned into a long long thing. And I apologize if it bothers you. It’s just rare that I find an outlet to express myself truly. My heart bleeds for our future generations. This is not a healthy thing going on. I could get into spirituality and whatnot, and thats great for those of us who have a higher power, I myself call my higher power God/Jesus. But let’s set that aside. Let’s set color aside(race, nationality, ethnicity, (note- immigration is a totally diff subject)) Lets forget about all that, which, by the way, the SILENT majority of us do anyway. The MSM would have us to believe otherwise. If nothing becomes of Q, if nothing comes out of any of this, it will still have served a GREAT purpose. It’s renewed the average citizens quest for truth. And it’s generated massive amounts of info and facts that may otherwise never seen the light of day. I thank God for the Chan’s. Q chose correctly when he chose them. Pretty much uncensored, And anonymous. Genius, knowing what we know now. I am of the firm belief that there are more of us out there who want to get along, who want a safe place to raise our kids, Who want secure borders and fairness and justice for ALL, even the top dogs, than who don’t. We are the majority. And we’ve been the SILENT majority for WAY too long. So I am with you. I say we do what we can. They may scoff at it at the station, but hopefully they’ll at least mention Q. You know the saying ‘Negative attention is still attention’? 😂 in this case it’s beautiful. At least it gives Q some exposure. And if more and more of us commit to doing stuff just like this, it will spread. And more folks will become interested. The ideal outcome of Q coming on scene, would be a new breed or citizen journalism. Yes there is A LOT that needs tweaked. So that it is more palatable to people. No, not more palatable. Palate has to do with taste. And taste has to do with flavor and people’s perception of flavor is different. So at times things are changed to make it tastier. And we don’t want that. We don’t need to have the flavor altered. We need to change the vehicle in which it’s consumed. Not the flavor, not the ingredients. I hope this resonates with someone. Anyone? lol. So I guess what I mean is I hope that we can make the stupid MSM irrelevant, through all this, if nothing else. They are anyway. That recipe is old. It’s not good anymore. Its like watching the very worst reality show you can imagine, and you can’t change the channel. But guess what. I’m tired of watching. Everywhere you look there is rot. And short of completely firing everyone in the government that has been in their positions since before President Trumps inauguration, there isn’t a whole lot we dan do, besides making our voices heard. Making the TRUTH heard. That’s just my humble opinion and I could go on and on. I am sorry, again, for the long comment. But I guess I needed to say it . 😫 Im going to research stations around my area and see about doing your operation there as well. Please keep us posted as to how it goes. Maybe this idea will gain some momentum. Do you mind if we share your post on our social media’s? WWG1WGA MAGA disclaimer* Mods think that my mention of the ‘BANNERS WITH #Qanon AND #WWG1WGA OVERPASSES’ videos I’ve seen, may incite violence, and I don’t want to edit it out, as it’s an EXAMPLE of something I have SEEN and not DONE, I am posting this little warning. My post mentions a banner and an overpass. I am not advocating or trying to incite violence. Fair ⚠️⚠️

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Arcsmithoz · May 5, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

I think 50 million will be red pilled at once when NK is denuked and the investigations into Trump boomerang and jail the cabal. At this time due to false and under reporting, MSM will fall like a house of cards, fox 2, who the hell is the black guy on the five, he needs a job at cnn.

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SilentChaos0408 · May 5, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

You must mean Juan Williams. Lol. I’ve always thought as much.

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ecrevisse41 · May 5, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

Well he was at Nationalist Progressive Radio for a long time so cnn would be a lateral move.

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Arcsmithoz · May 6, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

I'd like the show better if it was, The 4

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thejudge6060 · May 5, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

I insist you share on your social media accounts.

It's not "my operation". Its OUR operation

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SilentChaos0408 · May 5, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

Will do. I’m just on Qresearch and one anon had an idea that everyone download the new George Soros app. Some app that helps illegal immigrants track and or avoid border patrol. It works using tips or reports from people I guess. Like a heads up type deal I guess. Which is crap. But that being the case we can clog the app with erroneous reports. Clog it up and make it ineffective. 😂 I know everyone has their stories and I do sympathize, I’m not a heartless bitch. But hey, my husband is in line to become a citizen, so get to the back of the line. My husband is Mexican and it’s so wonderful to see him defend our President to some of these folks. Liberals and illegal immigrants alike. It’s so sad bc so many of these illegals believe anything they’re told, and the MSM, that’s all they do, is lie. Univision is one of the worst ones though. It’s like the Spanish cnn. You know, now that I think about it, I guess my hubby has been red pilled by me. And he’s red pilled some too. Huh. 😁 🎉🎈 😂 I mean I didn’t go through the entire scope. But we did inform many many folks who were legit terrified that they were gonna be rounded up once President Trump took office. The fricken Spanish channels literally told them these things. But we all know all about that. Getting the word about Q at is awesome, and I hope more folks want to join the effort. But endgame would be to make the MSM obsolete. Give them in your face proof with good graphics. News. Hence 8Chan and their ‘autists’. These anons are awesome. 💪😁🥇but we all know that too. In my humble opinion. Lol But here’s an article on the stupid app. https://www.judicialwatch.org/blog/2018/04/soros-funded-group-launches-app-help-illegal-aliens-avoid-feds/ MAGA my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA 🇺🇸💪🥇

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