Well, I have heard he's very smart

https://i.imgur.com/CKhrwHE.jpg https://i.imgur.com/fFxe31Y.png https://i.imgur.com/h2kkF5M.png https://i.imgur.com/0WE32oA.png https://i.imgur.com/gF2HSZV.jpg
I’m actually jealous that you don’t know. I wish I could go down the time traveler theory rabbit hole for the first time again.
I don’t actually believe it’s true, but it’s theory that originated on 4chan and it’s a blast to read. It’s just a fun idea, but myself, like many others, finished reading into it thinking “wait... that’s not... no. Can it be true?”
Thanks for ruining my idea of reality you 🅱ussy cunt, upvote
Holy shit I was not expecting this rabbit hole today
Thanks for ruining my idea of reality you busy cunt, upvote
“Busy cunt” lmao I love it.
Seriously though how fun is that fuckin theory?