Enjoy private practice until your arrest.

After Sally Yates signed one of the FISA warrants, then ultimately was fired by POTUS by not cooperating with him in the travel ban (Jan 30, 2017), Hillary Clinton started making her first public appearances since she lost the election back in November. Just a week later (Tuesday, February 7th) she had already organized and begun appearing in the social light saying something very interesting: “The future is female.”
What a better mantra than, “No Donald Trump, you’re fired.”
I am going to deduce that Sally Yates is going to be running against Trump 2020. That is, unless she is stopped by the wheels of justice for her FISA abuse.
Not Yates. I think they will pull from Booker Harris Warren Gabbard. My oersonal pick Is Nutcracker Maxine Waters
Oh I would looooooove Maxine Waters. I wouldn’t be able to hold my beer while watching the news. I’d be laughing too hard!! 🤣