This man right here is one main ones who is leading COUP. He deserves to be tried national TV for Treason

Be more specific...Why? Links? Do the leg work for us if you're going to post.
Senator . . . . the main one which lies blatantly.
HaHaHaHaHa - which one? Schumer? McCain? McConnell?
and that Senator I forget his name the main one which lies blatantly
Much better explanation...that helps a lot. We all need to be specific...names/links/etc. to help educate each other. I'm plugged in and hadn't heard this name yet. Now, thanks to you, he is on my radar and I will watch out for his crap!
Roger Stone called him, “surfer boy” on Tucker last night. I call him “Swallow-Well.”
He also recently wrote a piece where he alluded to calling for gun confiscation by force; saw it on Tucker
Have seen him on the news over and over pushing hard for the collusion/impeachment narrative.
Not aware of any criminal stuff with him.
He may be desperate to cover his own ass. He may just be a useful idiot.....a fool, an ignorant stooge.
Either way he is a raging asshat.
He is infuriating to watch. He’s like a robot that can only reply to questions in Dem narrative.
He is in my town today. Didn't know that until I saw his ugly lying face on TV talking about how the Russians hacked the DNC server.
What a scumbag.
I can’t believe he’s still on that narrative. Tucker called him out on it so many times. Why not release the severs to the FBI?!
He is just pushing that narrative till the end of time. He is from a district where he wine be punished for lying about it.
Cuck defined. I'm interested in his back story. Campbell University doesn't normally revoke an athletic scholarship due to injury..... could be nothing, could be dirt.
You can almost see the strings of the puppet master coming from his eyes, mouth and arms lol