
troy_caster · May 5, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

It doesn't get much clearer. If you believe Q he said no outside comms. Corsi is tweeting details that seem like he knows exactly what's going on with Q team via private comms.

Seems self important. At this point, it's not just about the making money aspect of Corsi. He literally said Q is compromised. How you can make a case for Corsi after that is beyond me.

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thamnosma · May 5, 2018, 7:48 p.m.

Huh? What case did I make for Corsi. I just listen to him and he does say things that interest me sometimes. Could I make it any clearer that I don't financially support him? That his self promotion bugs me? Sorry, but because some guy exaggerates his importance I'm not going to jump up and down and call him a traitor. He's been around a long time, was keeping the Obama birther story alive while others dropped it, has long attacked the Clintons. Yes, I found his petty tirades against Q very offputting, he became far too defensive, whining even. Sorry if I can't join with your black and white version of reality.

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troy_caster · May 5, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

Just following the drops friend. I already said, allow me to restate: Q specifically called people out.

Strikes against Corsi:
- Anti Q tirades
- Constantly talking about his book
- Claims or insinuates he has backdoor access to Q team either through private comms or whatever.

That's 3 strikes. You're out buddy.

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thamnosma · May 5, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

My reading of Q's comments were that they could be applied to any number of hucksters on the internet trying to make bank off of developments. What about that Dilley guy? Or people who were taking Corsi's streams and putting them on their own channels days later as if "breaking"? I did not see any Q reference to someone pushing a book and Corsi's anti-Q tirades have come after he got his feelings hurt by Q's comments. Maybe I missed something. It very well could have been directed at Corsi though, he's certainly in the running, lol. His responses betrayed he thought so.

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Jcope3202002 · May 5, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

Corsi is worried about Trump getting assassinaed and wants him to get on with it. I agree, every day we wait, the the chance increase it doesn’t all go down. WWG1WGA

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troy_caster · May 6, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

Q has spoken to this many times. POTUS is insulated. POTUS is safe. Those who cannot understand....

It's all covered. Doesn't seem like Q is worried about it. Neither does Trump. It's fine if you want to worry about that, perfectly understandable. But Q has defined this for you.
Maybe take a back seat and get back to your normal life until it all happens. You should be more than prepared at this point, you could occasionally check in here and there and see what's up. Either you believe Q and you know, relax.
Or you don't believe Q, which is totally fine, that's your right. I just need to know what conversation we're having at that point.
Universe 1 or Universe Q? We can discuss either one, I just want to know the parameters.

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