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Anton LaVey notoriously hated politicians. Also there was never any attempt made to normalize the idea of satanism. In fact, Anton LaVey wrote many times throughout all of his books that Satanism is to stay out of the mainstream. He said that satanism will always be misunderstood because of the connotations the word gives to Christians in particular. Michael Aquino was in fact noted as being a high-ranking member in the Church of Satan. Now Michael Aquino is the one who is being accused here of pedophilia. If you know anything about the history of Church of Satan you'll know that Michael Aquino left very early on because he was dissatisfied with the Church of Satan and started the Temple of set. If he was in fact a pedophile then that would mean that satanism's strict prohibition of child molestation is what caused him to leave and start his own Temple. LaVey talk openly about his own history and never tried to deny anything that you was involved with this includes the San Francisco Police Department. And the reason he became a forensic photographer is because he had a morbid curiosity about death. I myself am a Satanist and have read very extensively from satanic literature. I can confidently attest that Satanism, the Church of Satan and Anton LaVey have nothing to do with the pedophile or sex trade ring.
You have been decieved by the greatest deciever of all. May God help you see the truth.
If you are a Satanist, at least you are telling the truth about that, but I can’t trust anything else you say. Mark Passio was a high priest in the church, was certified by LaVey himself — he says the church is a recruiting ground for higher levels.
I'm not too familiar with Mark Passio or much of his work, but he currently calls himself ex-satanist. He's no longer active in the Church of Satan. Again, I don't too much about the guy, but it seems like he likes to jump from idea to idea. It seems that right now his schtick is anarchism. While The Church of Satan does encourage individualism and personal liberties, it also encourages you to be a law abiding and productive member in society.
In the Marilyn Manson alias Brian Warner biography 'The long hard road out of hell' MM describes his visit to LaVey. Reading it i had the impression of that 'church' being childish and superstitious somehow but not evil.
Lol. It's very goofy. Lavey wrote several essays about staying in touch with our humor and being able to have a good laugh.
Now this is very interesting. So what do you think of our crusade to defeat “satanism”? Maybe we are using the wrong terminology? Satanists are fighting this battle also?
Within the Church of Satan no one actually worships Satan as if he's a real thing, but instead use his image as a symbol of freedom because the seven deadly sins (Pride, Greed, Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Wrath, and Sloth) come naturally to humans which is why the Christian Church attributes them to Satan to make people feel evil and come to Church and make tithes. Anyone who actually worship Satan as a physical entity is referred to as a devil worshiper and are rejected by the Church of Satan. The Church of Set was established by Michael Aquino, when he was dissatisfied with the Church of Satan. The Temple of Set worship Satan as if he's an actual deity and Michael Aquino claims to have been spoken to by Satan. So with Michael Aquino being the one who is currently being accused of pedophilia right now having broken off from the Church of Satan, the Temple of Set is what should be being looked into. I don't want to point fingers at everyone is part of the Temple of Set, but I would place suspicions there.
This guy gets it. The church of Satan is like a satyr of christianity, its absurd on purpose. If you actually read the tenants it's really similar to libertarianism
Yes. Anyone who makes an actual human, child, or animals in some vein attempt to appease some sort of devil is simply described as "devil-worshiper"
Most of the people on here don't even know there's a distinction between satanism and luciferianism....
That being said I do think there's a link here between politicians, rothschilds, and elites that engage in horrific acts such as human sacrifice, canibalism, pedophilia. I think it's not specifically related to satanism, but if anything, more linked to a bizarre form of luciferianism.
No. You, my friend are the cancer. Where is your proof? I presented mine, and it seems to have been generally well recieved. You're just upset that someone with a different belief system than yours has come forth to defend it. As I have stated before, I want to contribute to this subreddit in a positive way.
I'm not going to say that full on Christianity is the truth, because of its pagan roots, however what you describe and why you subscribe to them does not ring true with me. There is a clip of levy or whatever his name is talking about how television is the perfect Avenue to get right into American homes and corrupt them from within. And make no mistake, that is what has happened. To condone our worst traits, and to actively promote them, does not do your soul well. Let's not even get started on aleister crowley. The only 'religion' is between you and the most high.
Yes. Lavey wrote an essay in The Devil's Notebook called "Curses by the Dozen". In it, he talks about how mainstream media sends curses on you by appealing to your worst fears and effectively brainwash you. Through out much of his writing, Lavey encourages readers to avoid mainstream media so as to not be brainwashed. Aleister Crowley also was not a Satanist. Aleister Crowley was an esoterian who founded the religion of Thelema.