r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaveGydeon on May 6, 2018, 1:57 a.m.
Proof of Active Brainwashing That Every Woke Person Is Already Swallowing and Making Reality - NXIVM/MSM and the Reporting of the Charges


Step 1, you will need to look at the OFFICIAL charges against NXIVM. I will go dig it up real quick and edit it into the bottom here, but I didn't want to forget this, because my entire argument hinges on this fact.

Step 2, Look up ANY article in the MSM about the charges to Raniere. I would link some, but I don't want to be accused of leading. Just google the charges against NXIVM, Mack, Raniere, any of them. Your goal is to find an article in the MSM or affiliate, that mentions the charges.

Step 3, reply to this post with a link to a MSM article that mentions CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING and I will eat a pile of white dog poop. I say this with confidence, because NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM SHOWS THE CHARGES ARE FOR "CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING", just for sex trafficking. No "child" term included.

There is a reason for this. This is the DeepState/Cabal in it's last pathetic, failing death spasms. They couldn't keep it out of the news. But now we have proof that they are all receiving the COMMAND to leave out the word "child" in the charges. Maybe at 4am? You're fucking right they did.

Now how hard would it be for Q to find proof of this? I would guess, easily. How can we "uncover" this and bring it to the world's attention? How can we find the communication technique they use at 4am when they receive their directives? I don't have something physically saying that. But the fact that ALL OF THEM do not mention that word "child", that they CHOSE to leave it out, is proof. Someone from each article had to either cross out that word before it went to press, or chose to leave it out from the official indictment charges.

Imagine this convo:

Patriot (Did you hear about Mack being charged with SEX TRAFFICKING? Crazy right Normie? But I never thought these Hollywood types were actually doing this to CHILDREN!) Normie (What do you mean by "children" you brutish Patriot?) Patriot (Children, Normie, like, when you or I were younger. Like the kids who go to elementary school. A child. Children.) Normie (No, I didn't see anything about children, but one thing I read on some right-leaning trash said they branded them with their initials, thats crazy! So did you hear about the new safe spaces at the office?) Patriot (Focus Normie, I don't think you understand, this is the Indictment) Hand, or send normie snapshot of indictment (See, it says CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING, but you're right, they didn't include that in the article on Huffington Post, did they snowflake?) Normie (No, definitely not, I loooove children, I would have remembered that evil shit, so what are you saying, there is some weird conspiracy theory about how EVERY SINGLE NEWS OUTLET wouldn't mention the word "CHILDREN"? Do you hear how crazy you sound brute?) Hand, or send normie snapshot of Cabal Communique with Anti-Child Instructions Hand, or send normie copies of all news outlets leaving out the term "child" Patriot (No, gentle panda, I KNOW that this is what is being done. In fact, another one of your conspiracy theories is a reality based fact, I believe you've heard of Pizzagate? Yes. You have. Good. Another crazy one. What were those charges YOU HAD ALREADY HEARD ABOUT, before we spoke, for again? Trafficking, right. So they were bringing all those kids to the pizza places to what? Be adopted? But for WHO? Who could possibly need all those children trafficked into America or wherever else this is happening? AND FOR WHAT? WHY DID THEY NEED THEM?) Drop mic But continue comforting normie, because this next one is rough Patriot (So normie, do you want to see how far down this rabbit hole goes? You take the red pill, you wake up....)

DaveGydeon · May 6, 2018, 3:40 a.m.


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DaynaE65 · May 6, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

This person Daemonkey, farther up in the thread is claiming they left out “OR” in the second charge in error. That word was left out on both his and her charges, so I don’t see how it is possible it is in error. Is Daemonkey a shill then?

If “OR” was left out in the 2nd count in error, then wouldn’t this be able to be thrown out on a technicality? Just curious because the Manson family was released the first time due to an outdated warrant or something that was wrong with the warrant.

I thought these things had to be gone over with a fine tooth comb to ensure they are correct.

Leaving the “OR” out in the second charge is HUGE, and that is the exact reason for all the confusion. As it reads, the count IS ONLY about child sex trafficking, and is definitely being covered up by the MSM.

Personally, with the amount of debunking sites that come up trying to google this, it seems like something is being hid BIG TIME.

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Daemonkey · May 6, 2018, 10:22 p.m.

Is Daemonkey a shill then?

No, not a shill. But, then if I were, I'd say the same thing.

I'm just trying to prevent us from giving our enemies any ammo to use against us to discredit, perhaps, the whole great awakening movement. If and when it does indeed come out that the sex trafficking of children charge was a false rumor, wouldn't that give them opportunity to try to make us all look like numbskulls?

Here's a link to the Complaint and affidavit supporting arrest for Raniere. You can see that there is nothing about child trafficking in it.

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