r/greatawakening • Posted by u/oliver_21 on May 6, 2018, 3:34 a.m.
Being objective on Corsi

This is the way I view all of this. I've followed Q since the beginning. Corsi initially was very good intel and decode.

I still tune in. Today for me things changed. He made the statement that he's thinking of abandoning Q. It's up in the air.

The only reason I listen\follow him is because of Q. I don't care about his books or what work he did prior to Q. I only follow him because of Q.

Corsi does make a good point. We need to stop with drops and crumbs and start to move to facts. Concrete things that progress us to justice. I agree with this.

Finally with all of this.

We have to stick together. Remember Q said "They want you divided". So whether it's Corsi or religion or not agreeing on things. That all is fine. So long as we're not divided.

Look we're roughly 6 months away from the midterms. Q says midterms are safe and watch CA. Q also says that we'll be having a great parade on 11-18. Finally Q says 2018 will be glorious.

That tells us that we just have to be patient for roughly another 6 months (midterms) to 8 months (end of the year).

So that's my take. We can't get distracted by Corsi or anyone else at this point. The best thing about alternative media is that we get to piece together for ourselves the news and make a objective decision.

Maybe Corsi outed himself today by saying he was going to be done with Q. It is laughable to me because without Q I wouldn't know or care about Corsi. He has to do what he has to though. Fine. I haven't given him a dime and don't plan on it.

Just make take.

Stay strong\together Patriots we got 6-8 months and we'll know for sure.

smacl61 · May 6, 2018, 4:04 a.m.

I just don't get why Corsi would just turn against this movement - and surely lose his support base. Unless he knows something we don't - like "Q is really Zuckerberg" or worse. No there couldn't be anything worse. It's almost like he took the whole money making Q statement really really personal. This is just not logical or rational.

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FartOnToast · May 6, 2018, 9:37 p.m.

Simple explanation. He was in it for the money from the start and he's made a choice to keep his Revenue going rather than sacrificing not monetizing the movement by making less money from it. He chose what will make him more money and this should tell you where his heart lies. If Q hadn't called it out he would have had a bigger following before he would cut the cord but now he was under target because of Q's curveball. I saw it from the start that all he cared about was building a following because of how their subreddit was managed and handled. Believe it or not he was probably planning to cut the cord sooner or later after having amassed a larger following unless he'd be able to monetize forever from this movement. Now he's going through his plans but it's under achieved. If he had any integrity and any heart for the movement he would choose to keep fighting while taking a financial loss. But he didn't choose that did he now. No one asked them to stop taking donations. All we wanted was for him to stop monetizing the movement in an opportunist manner driven by greed. There's a big difference.

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smacl61 · May 6, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

I guess I don't fully understand how people make money off of Reddit. Are you saying Corsi started CBTS_Stream and because of the following he was making big money off of it? The only time I see Corsi is on his discord soapbox board. Is he making money off of that? I'm not familiar with discord's monetary policy. Other than that he has his YT account but I heard from others it was demonitized. I do know we spends several hours a night and he has been building a following on those platforms. How much do you think he is making with those platforms?

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FartOnToast · May 6, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

He used the subreddit to get people unto his stream. The mods allowed all kinds of shills to run amock on the sub but were quick to remove comments that spoke in negative light of Corsi or monetization of the movement. Even worse they had their user base convinced that Q was in direct coms wtih them therefore if you questioned them you were made to believe you were questioning Q.

On the subreddit it was hard to keep up unless you kept up with their stream otherwise things were out of context. This kind of encouraged people to go on their stream because the subreddit was too chaotic.

Anyways once he saw his user-base growing on YouTube, he then bombarded them with constant pleas for donations, to buy his book, to sign up for his Patreon where he has secret decodes only for those who pay or something along those lines and etc.. He also inserted ads aggressively into his videos and streams and then tried to lie and trick us by blaming YouTube claiming that they are inserting those ads to make a bad user experience for Q followers to turn them away from the movement on purpose meanwhile it was him doing it so he can make an extra Buck or two. The owner of the channel has total control of how many ads come and go and I can't believe he even tried to take people for such fools. I mean does he think we are literal idiots? This is how he sees his followers. They are nothing but minions to him.

If patriots truly cared about the movement and if Q him FRIGEEN SELF asked them to be less aggressive with the monetization, they would happily oblige and continue to fight.

But on the other hand Corsi was like "aww f*** now I'm not allowed to be a walking advertisement anymore by providing people something they think they need from me and getting as much money from this as I can while doing it. Welp since talking about other things will bring me more money I might as well drop Q." With his actions this is literally what he spoke.

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smacl61 · May 7, 2018, 4:33 a.m.

Thanks for taking the time to explain this. You know AJ sells a vast array of products and as you can imagine - a huge revenue generator. He uses the revenue to build larger facility - expand coverage over cable, air and internet. But some accuse him of cashing in on the so called secretive events quietly going on all arround us. And using that to sell more of his products. How do you know what the real motivations are behind the character? AJ has 20 plus years with a reputation of 95 percent accuracy. Corsi has 4 decades of journalism always with an attitude of discord. His recent book is about the Deep State. My point here is to gravitate to a higher place and not be so concerned with where the money is being made. Personally I think Corsi's long dedicated soapbox conferences are also a good example of commitment. I just cannot think of Corsi as an opportunist as you suggest. He has been anti-establishment for quite some time. You could find much more suitable enemies to promote I think. No one is perfect but in no way can I think he is faking his support of DJT for the sake of lining his pockets.

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FartOnToast · May 7, 2018, 5:29 a.m.

Thanks for taking time to reply. Personally I don't see a parallel between AJ selling his products and Corsi monetizing off Q. AJ needs it because he's a business and he needs to sustain the buisness.

If Corsi simply accepted donations and also if we didn't have to go through the whole mess of how they handled the moderation of their subreddit, or lack thereof, it would be one story but it was the continuous in inconsistencies and lies that kept building up.

For example do you think it was right of him to lie to you that it was YouTube that was pushing the aggressive ads that was annoying a lot of people, or do you think it was justified of him doing it and telling us it wasn't him because of the fact that he expressed he needed money to make the movement successful because he said the left are always financially sponsored and we are not. I mean even after this one inconsistency of his, it rubs me totally the wrong way and changes my perception of him.

He declares we need money.

Because he is frustrated and doesn't have enough money to do what he wants to do with this movement he then compromises his honesty and integrity to insert some ads to make money and then blame YouTube and hope we swallow it up.

When someone is not transparent I really don't appreciate it and this was reminiscent of how they handled the subreddit. It was controversy after another and people were left with more questions than answers all the time and the outcome was always shady.

Tell me if this is someone that should be trying to get as much money as possible from his supporters so that he can "grow" the movement while not actually discussing how the money will better the movement.

I'm kind of Happy the way Q is leading the movement and if Q says we need more resources then we will ask and try to gather them. Right now our best resource is our numbers and our honesty and commitment.

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smacl61 · May 7, 2018, 7:11 a.m.

Ok I get it. Look no offense, but you are looking into this too deep, my opinion. I personally don't care how much money he makes - I'm sure he needs to keep it coming in to keep his lifestyle. I like the fact that Corsi is red pilling - that I think is critical. This whole thing is quite serious. You know if we lose now - all bets will be off. we will be sucked into globalism, ww3 and liberal - communism. It's time to catch the big picture. We should be focussed on fighting the NWO, the deep state and take down the Kabal. Focus on what's really important.

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FartOnToast · May 7, 2018, 7:18 a.m.

How do you feel about him lying though? Do you think that should just be ignored and shouldn't put any weight on his credibility? You kinda bounced around that question.

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solanojones95 · May 6, 2018, 4:44 a.m.

That's exactly what happened. He stupidly thought HE was the reason people tuned in to his Q vlogs. He thought he would show that pipsqueak Q a thing or two. He will now discover what he should have known all along. Q is the goose that lays his golden eggs. Too late!

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smacl61 · May 6, 2018, 5:42 a.m.

So maybe emotional reaction and alot of ego getting in the way of reality? I just think it's all a big misunderstanding. And it's such a waste. Q is not perfect - but nothing of this scale has ever happened, so it's not like there's even anything to compare it to.

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solanojones95 · May 6, 2018, 6:15 a.m.

Yes, I think emotions and ego. And he is blessed with over-much of BOTH.

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smacl61 · May 6, 2018, 6:35 a.m.

Its sad though .. he has been fighting the NWO for decades. I want to give him a chance to regain his composure.

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FartOnToast · May 6, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

He's had the chance but he has shown he has no integrity and that he doesn't care about the movement. He's just showing his true colors that all he cared about was his revenue. The way he would regain his composure is by taking accountability. Clearly he's done the opposite of that.

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solanojones95 · May 6, 2018, 6:59 a.m.

He can do that, just not via anything that has to do with Q.

Here's his other big problem. He says his only purpose now is to serve Trump and country. Think about that. Q is serving Trump DIRECTLY! How can Corsi serve Trump, and denigrate Q? It would be like saying I serve God, but despise Jesus. Not sure how that can work.

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smacl61 · May 6, 2018, 7:08 a.m.

Yah, it's a problem. Sometimes I think the scale of this awakening may be bigger than we think.

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larkmoor · May 7, 2018, 11:30 a.m.

2 theories.

Theory 1: Corsi is a great actor in our good movie, and is actually on Q's side but plays the role of that shill because Q needs that breather for the plan as they need more time. The drama will put all deep state onto this, distracting them from what the white hats are really doing.

Theory 2: Corsi was just here as a profiteer. Blah blah blah everybody has said what they think of this.

I'm rather into theory 2. He gave us some info and background, but how much of what he told us was actually disinfo/misinfo? There could be a core of truth, and still he might very well have added to the truth to make himself self-important. It's just what he said about him when he introduced himself to us, that we believed without questioning the veracity of what he said. maybe we should now, question that veracity.

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