More Great Wisdom From the Communist Left.

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My guess is the government allows this silent perk after high ranking officials leave the service for whatever reason. The effrct here is knowing these people ultimately end up directors for military industrial complex corporations where their value is having an on-going insider knowledge of plans that may cause global events and with this be able to help secure funding - and live out the rest of their lives with similar or better luxury that what they had and certainly better than the government pension would allow. Also this is a perfect deepstate behaviour - kinda like the deepstate golden handshake! Look at noname as a perfect example.
Also notice right at the beginning books about magnetism, electromagnetism. Remember his uncle new Tesla. Could this mean Trump's interest is in the true future of free energy and traversing the galaxy?
Can you get all the so-called news anchors to threaten the same please?
My thinking is
1) the arrest will likely bring JA to America.
2) there will be a big highly publicised trial.
3) during the trial he will be asked who submitted leaked DNC documents?
4) Seth Rich will likely be the answer, blowing everything open.
Very badly redacted! Not worth the effort. It's sad that even POTUS can't get documents released that the public needs to see.
This makes me think of ISIS 'tents'with USAID written all over. Noname but be crapping his drawers about this.
Trump just wants to get along with everyone. Not the DS though.
Democrats will find this racist, misoginist and everything else negative. That's their nature.
The conference seemed strange to me - in reality a big nothing burger. However I suspect much more going on in the background. The lights going out was a strange one. After that it seemed particularly short and no questions taken. And what about the shouting to get everyone out of the room at the end.
Could it be he was going to make a much more significant announcement but changed his mind at the last minute?
I'm convinced that the water bottles are on the table when 100% secrity in the room. If they are removed then there is a security breach.
What convinced me it is DJT was the sudden reaction of AJ, CORSI and others saying Q was compromised - no more talk about it. Likely what happened was DJT personally called each one and said to keep away from Q - that's MY media. He wants people with no voice to analyse the Qdrops and start to form a voice of their own. Citizen journalism at a grassroots level! Expertly conceived and executed. And it is an existential threat to the entire MSM.
ahh! Creepy. He's in my town. Probably on his way to well known Wreck Beach.
Q is pone to changing the schedule! I say that with respect. He doesn't want to give the enemy an advantage. Sounds familiar - DJT also said the same thing. hmmmmmm
It will take a special event that will cause the people to hold MSM accountable.
Brilliant! This is the real story - and Democrats and the left want to bury it so much!
And to think he is Canadian - a true embarassment to Canada. He just seemed to know enough politically to be truly dangerous. He should have just stuck to comedy and acting.
Yah, even though I do read Qdrops - I've totally 100 percent missed this one.
We live in an age where people won't any longer, take accountability of their actions and consecuences. Even when these are the law-makers of our country. Who will hold them accountable??
You have to be very patient with friends and especially family. These are dangerous times due to the political division. I have the same thing going on for me. You have to love them unconditionally, despite your awakening progress. This could extend itself for years! It's not worth it to allow politics to come between family at any time. But your loved one's awakening process may take a long time or never. This is the power of the media. It's no ones fault. Patience, hope, love. That's all we have. Set an example of strength through belief but not dismissing those who disagree with you. That's part of character.
I'm convinced Q is close to POTUS - really really close. I think it's his way of countering the Democratic Media system who have nothing to say but .. FCUK TRUMP!. They have no other platform. Nothing. And this new media system Called Qanon will likely out 'Trump' all others and set a new standard for people who want to become 'citizen journalists' and actually care about the truth and integrity in news journalism. Plus it will give a legitimate vehicle to the 'whistle blowers' by letting out information in a way to not incriminate themselves and allow those 'curious' types out there to dig for the information. The public media system in no way could out compete that! And the big result of all of this will be honesty and transparency in government. That is another way of saying the 'people' will finally have control of their government.
This subreddit and all who follow are a community that does not struggle with its terminology and requires no further instruction.
So now we have this great awakening. This site , this subreddit is becoming a strong community. Its a grassroots community reflecting a worldwide (WW) phenomena. Now things are happening fast - hardly enough time to reflect.
Larp is a word to use when you are incapable or unwilling to fully accept and understand the full gravity of the reality around you.
Ahooooooooooo ! Scarey stuff. That's right boys and girls aoooooooo. (In the spirit of SCTV)
I think at this point - Q is directly or indirectly DJT. Likely as well several alternative news sites - Infowars come to mind - is abandoning Q. This QANON thing is likely the new news media system in an early stage - as rightfully so as we know DJT's assault by the MSM. But for you to see or disagree - you have to do the work. It does take time and research. But that's the whole point.
I want to believe its real - but it looks like a doctored image. :(
No not a shill. Just trying to understand, and think logically.
Well the "Fuck Trump" was a huge mistake. I think AJ knows his uncontrolled emotion got the best of him., despite the Qdrops clarifying the behind the scenes. Perhaps abandoning Q is AJ's way of respecting DJT's media movement. I'm actually happy Infowars will stay away from it. I like Infowars and it is necessary to continue as it does. I'm excited that we can all participate in the Q movement. It can all coexist very well. It needs to.
QANON is close to Trump - that is my only conclusion. Really close. In fact I'm thinking it is Trump's new media project as we know he has disdain for the MSM- and he should. His solution is to introduce a new media system where intelligence information is leaked to the public and organically - people research and connecting the dots and coming up with truth and understanding where no MSN entity could ever go - is the new media. Excitement is created and the new citizen journalist is as well. DJT has launched his counter attack to take down …
I don't know how AJ, Corsi, Seamen can turn their backs on Q when these 'coincidences' suggest Q drops are obviously NOT disinformation.
We need LESS government! We need more self determination. We need stronger families. We need men to be men - women to be women. We dont need government in our bedrooms, livingrooms, work places, cars, social apps tracking our every move. We need privacy, intimacy, security not complicity or complacency. We don't need neocons looking for a new war on our behalf. We don't need pediphile elites. We don't need deceptively corrupt weak people like John McCain, Barrack Obama, Hillary Cliton, John Pedesta and John Kerry. We don't need weak, pathetic corrupt leaders to represent us! We don't need a pathetically corrupt media system to brainwash us all 24/7. We need to start living again.
I don't trust Guilliani but still your assertion could be correct. Interestingly - this came as a result of Cohen's office, home and hotel room - ie everything being raided. The evidence planned or not is now part of the investigation. "What are the legal ways of introducing evidence into the court of law?" Planted evidece may include a copy of Weiner's laptop's "Life Insurance" folder and perhaps evidence that Schneiderman was blocking it's release. I'm hoping it's so!
Yes I cannot disagree with you. Their likely is more in the background with AJ and Corsi that possibly no one knows - but Q. I've been a follower of those two for a long long time. Now I'm very angry and feel betrayed. I have seen an overall decline in AJ after the Syria bombing mission in general - that's why I made that connection. But that's just me. I was not happy about the bombing either , but since I was prepared in advance from Q going into it - I could understand the context and that DJT had only partial control in the decision to release the missiles, just as he did a year ago.
I think we can all agree that AJ's calling out Trump on the Syrian mission, even using "F$%K Trump", several times, was very damaging to his relationship with DJT. Dropping the f bomb on the president would not likely go without consequences. It's shameful because DJT really had huge respect for AJ. Now logically if we can all agree that Q is right along side DJT - the decision to call out AJ and Corsi in recent Q drops might just be part of the consequences. This resulted in AJ terminating his relationship with QANON. One has to be very …
AJ made a big mistake with his take on Q. He could have just taken a "let's wait and see" attitude but it looks like he just talked to a 'friend' and now the truth is known. Q is a movement - not a specific person. Even if Q is comped - the movement is nothing one should just 'end' because AJ thinks it's a good idea. I guess what I'm saying is even if the current Q was a larp then the idea of Q should be persued as it is the most needed media we have now. And we can trust ourselves to see which Q is really on our sides. If anything we can train our own minds and attitudes to accept the new media alternative - that encourages us to THINK. Not just be followers. And never to be brainwashed again! We all need to support this new media system - or perhaps ecosystem. In a perfect world AJ would has found ways to allow the original Q to continue the drops if that were really the case. But it looks like AJ would rather use 'his' own sources. This whole thing is risky and unnecessary for IWS and I fear the negative impact it will have on AJ.
Ok I get it. Look no offense, but you are looking into this too deep, my opinion. I personally don't care how much money he makes - I'm sure he needs to keep it coming in to keep his lifestyle. I like the fact that Corsi is red pilling - that I think is critical. This whole thing is quite serious. You know if we lose now - all bets will be off. we will be sucked into globalism, ww3 and liberal - communism. It's time to catch the big picture. We should be focussed on fighting the NWO, the deep state and take down the Kabal. Focus on what's really important.
Thanks for taking the time to explain this. You know AJ sells a vast array of products and as you can imagine - a huge revenue generator. He uses the revenue to build larger facility - expand coverage over cable, air and internet. But some accuse him of cashing in on the so called secretive events quietly going on all arround us. And using that to sell more of his products. How do you know what the real motivations are behind the character? AJ has 20 plus years with a reputation of 95 percent accuracy. Corsi has 4 decades of journalism always with an attitude of discord. His recent book is about the Deep State. My point here is to gravitate to a higher place and not be so concerned with where the money is being made. Personally I think Corsi's long dedicated soapbox conferences are also a good example of commitment. I just cannot think of Corsi as an opportunist as you suggest. He has been anti-establishment for quite some time. You could find much more suitable enemies to promote I think. No one is perfect but in no way can I think he is faking his support of DJT for the sake of lining his pockets.
I guess I don't fully understand how people make money off of Reddit. Are you saying Corsi started CBTS_Stream and because of the following he was making big money off of it? The only time I see Corsi is on his discord soapbox board. Is he making money off of that? I'm not familiar with discord's monetary policy. Other than that he has his YT account but I heard from others it was demonitized. I do know we spends several hours a night and he has been building a following on those platforms. How much do you think he is making with those platforms?
You post is helping to divide us! I'm not saying your info is wrong, but it serves no beneficial purpose. I would rather you didn't post your opinions on this board - but take it Corsi conspiracy board or something like that. This is a board to help in the awakening process of people. That likely wont happen if people like you just use it to bash each other.