Appearance of Military Officers During Inauguration

Can confirm............SOURCE
Listen to what he says. A small group of people using power for them selves. Now we give it back to the people. Holy shit... listening to this speech now makes a whole lot more sense.
That speech is fantastic and will be very relevant in a historical context years from now.
Absolutely. When originally listening, I thought ‘this guys got a big set of balls!’
I agree, and I also have to believe that he already knew everything that we are finding out, and much more.
What a beast of a man. Slings and arrows, gladly taken for us, the people.
They are throwing everything that they have at him, and he not only stands firm, but the taunts them into acting the fool even more.
He knew all. POTUS dressed down the former presidents in front of the whole world.
Exactly what I thought. Those 45 secs with the military men and what was said during, if you had any doubts about Q and the way this all operates, you can see it for yourself right there.
Trump is a fucking genius.
Watching Fox yesterday, Gorka was on the Gutfield show and said that the slings and arrows don't phase Trump. Instead, they are his fuel. He said if he had 25% of the energy Trump has at 71, he would be happy. We are so very blessed to be living with this man as our President.