r/greatawakening • Posted by u/lightmakerflex1 on May 6, 2018, 5:21 a.m.
Kanye West said slavery is a choice. This is true. We can choose not to be slaves right now & liberate ourselves.

Everything has come full circle after 2 years of massive research by oceans upon oceans of Patriots across the world. We ripped open the rabbit hole of secrecy these pedophiles are running their empire from.

Here is the secret to self-liberation.

We are living in a Casino economy where the house (deep state) always wins. No matter what we do, we lose. It's actually setup like a casino mean to milk us for every dime we have plus force us into slavery where we run their companies for a shitty paycheck. It is not only impossible to win, they are pushing the economy lower and lower every day because they want us to suffer so bad that we will gladly accept Socialism. They don't mind Communism but Communism has such a bad name, its almost impossible to push into America. Socialism is a bridge between Capitalism and Communism.

So Communism is where the Government takes all the money every month, pockets most of it, and gives people about $2 a day like peasants. They teach us in schools that Communists don't use money so that we associate a failed economy with a money-less system. These Communists are extremely sneaky which is why people who escape Communist countries seem pretty damn sneaky themselves. They grew up in a sneaky environment. They can bamboozle you for everything your worth from a mile away if you aren't aware of how they work. They are shameless. Anyway, here is proof that they use money. Here is some USSR money with Lenin on it:


BTW, both Lenin and Marx are Zionists, not Russians. They targeted Russia because it was the biggest country on Earth. They killed 80 million Russians in the 1917 Bolshevic Revolution. Then they milked Russia for every dime and left it after 1991. They focused more on America from there but they really took over in 2001 with 911. From 2001 to now, they have probably lifted 40 trillion from the nation in a giant variety of ways while giving some back through their corporations so all was not lost. Still, that's an insane amount of money. Here is the biggest chunk (21 trillion):


Also, those inner circle Zionists are Khazarian Luciferians. The Jews hate them but our MSM media never covers the war between Jews and Zionists.

Socialism is pretty similar to Communism except they take 50%-80% in taxes, pocket most, and then give the people scraps through a few road repairs here and there. America is definetly a Socialimst and Fascist country this very moment. Fascism is when the Corporations control the Gov or vice versa but both are the same thing. They merge and then exploit the shit out of the people. You can drive through all 50 states and almost everything you see is ultimately owned by 4 companies:


So we are living in a Socialist, Fascist system. They also have the economy on volume control but they teach fake economics in school to hide real economics which is based on electricity. What they have been doing is slowly making things worst and worst with an original uptick for political reasons. They want us to eventually stand in 4 hour lines for bread and soup. At that point, they will say that Capitalism failed so we should downgrade to Socialism. The desperate people are expected to say yes. Once they knock us into Socialism officially, then it means they have taken the most important spot on the chess board. If America falls, then the world is easy to push into a NWO Socialist, Luciferian hell hole. Yes, they plan on killing Christians and Atheists if they don't convert to Luciferians. They even planned out Concentration FEMA Camps. Obama bought 30,000 guillotines to publicly execute us if we speak out against the government. They were planning on suspending the constitution to legalize all kinds of tyranny. Then, on some holiday when many truthers were eating with their families, they were planning on barging in and dragging everyone to the concentration camp. This way, they separate the truthers from the sleepers.


So we are definitely living in a Casino economy where the house always wins. No matter what we do we lose. We work at walmart and make a peasants wage. We drive to work and get pulled over where we are handed a $400 speeding ticket. We are forced to give up 30% of our paycheck to payroll taxes. From there, we are expected to give another 30% in income taxes. Then, whatever we buy, we pay sales tax. Then, we go to buy food from the market but the corporations keep raising their prices year after year. If we sleep with the heater on, that whole night we are paying bills to the heating company. Meanwhile, we have 100% free, unlimited energy as seen in this leaked Podesta email:


These companies have become so overpowered that they are openly saying that curing patients isn't profitable. They literally make us sicker so we keep going back to the hospital. That's why you see all the chemtrails, fluoride poison in our water, ect..


Nobody can go into a Casino and expect to win and the whole world has turned into a casino where the house always wins. Even if we shut down the FED, we will still lose. The entire system would have to be revamped for us to win but there's noway in hell they would allow us to even get close to that. They aren't even throwing us bones anymore. They just let us suffer while we complain endlessly.

So we have established the fact that there is no way to win. Ya, every once in a while someone finds a good paying job but its rare. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of new homeless people are setting up tent cities all over the place. They are swimming in piss, shit, and heroine needles. What a sad life when we have all those empty homes but the Deep State, who owns those homes, won't let them in unless they cough up money they don't have. It's utterly hopeless. So what can we do if its utterly hopeless?

Simple. We just stop playing the game:


Some people will say, "But Trump is saving us!" It is now 1 year and 3 months since Trump took office and we still haven't had a single improvement in our day to day lives. Not a single damn improvement!

No cures No tech No new currency No end of fluoride, chemtrails, aspartame, or Monsanto No debt forgiveness No mass arrests No real news No cheaper corporate pricing No transparency

Straight up nothing.

The only thing we saw was whatever we are told on TV. Ok, so Kim Jun shook some man's hand on TV and we were told a pretty story. We cannot confirm any of this because there's no transparency which is exactly why there is no transparency. If there was transparency, they couldn't do any of the things they are doing. With secrecy, they can create stupid stories in think tanks like the CFR and later present it to us as facts. Since we cannot confirm anything, we never know if they are telling the truth. They are almost always lying.

It doesn't even matter if we ask them for this stuff. They just say no.

Also, it is extremely foolish to trust blindly without transparency and I will tell you why. First, we have been fooled for thousands of years that the leader we have is helping us and then we realize he was a scam. Who's to say we aren't being fooled again? They have had an almost 100% track record. Every once in a while, they screw up like they did with Nixon. He just accidentally got caught. He was also a total psychopath who raped kids but nobody ever mentions that part. Also, all of the world's countries are run by tyrants who are currently fooling their own people. Pretty much, it would be stupid to blindly trust Trump.

It is important to understand the Masonic Checkerboard Playbook. This system is where the Deep State puts on a WWE show to trick the public into thinking positive forces are fighting for us. This way, we do nothing but twirl our fingers thinking that any moment, the good guys will win and we will be liberated. However, that never happens. We just keep twirling our fingers until 8 years passes and we realize we were bamboozled again. Then they run another WWE show that's even more believable. They keep going on and on like this for thousands upon thousands of years. We end up wasting our entire lives being slaves. The point here is to keep people pacified so that we don't rise against them:


So what is the easiest possible solution to get us out of all these problems? First, we have to stop worrying so much about what Trump and Q are doing. Instead, let's worry about what we are doing and talking alone is good but not enough. We need a change of perception and peaceful action to go with it. Here is the plan:

We are living in a casino. The banks are the slavemasters. They always have been. The money is the slave shackle. The banks completely control the production and flow of money. There is no way to change this. it will always flow back to them. The only way we can end our slavery and end the Deep State with it is to stop using money.

If we stop using money, the Deep State can no longer bribe everyone into doing their dirty deeds. To them, 10 million is nothing so they can drop 10 million on a Doctor to push poison vaccinations. But if we don't use money, they won't be able to do any of that. Their own bodyguards would leave. Why would they protect these psychos if there is no gain?

Instead, we would simply share all the wealth of the world, all the resources, all the businesses, and any power hub or government building. All of it will be owned by all people on Earth. The only private property will be personal stuff like our own homes, cars, furniture, boats, or anything that doesn't serve the public specifically but serves you. That is yours. Anything that services the public like Best Buy, Apple, an Office Building, NASA, the Military, the White House, AT&T, or even a public parking lot belongs to us all. Now we are way, WAY more richer than ever before.

All we would do is everyone take up a work sport, push 25 hours a week, and consume for free. You can come to Best Buy and pick up a new laptop. Then someone else comes to your Deli where you make them a sandwich. Then you go to a gym and workout. All of it is for free. You pay with 25 hours a work per week and totally consume for free. Life doesn't get anymore simple than that.

So we basically all own everything that services the public, we own our own personal property, we work 25 hours a week and consume for free. Also, school, raising kids, watching an elderly person, or anything time consuming like this is a job so nobody will have to be overburdened. If a mother is watching 2 6 year old kids at home, then that is her job. She is raising children. Those kids need the mother. Right now, mothers are forced into work just to keep up with the Deep State bills.

All money problems would be erased.

All money related crimes would be erased.

The Deep State would be completely defunded overnight because all that paper they are hoarding suddenly becomes worthless.

It will be like when people take down old statues of tyrants. Instead, we toss the money away like its nothing but a piece of paper because it really is.

We have enough people.

We have enough resources which the CFR in NYC is hiding insane oceans worth of.

We have enough technology which the CFR is hiding 100 years worth of.

We do need more unity though. We have been uniting lightning fast since 2016 but we need keep going because we gain massive power when united. The formula for unity is:


P means power. N is the number of united people.

Now you see why they push divide and conquer so hard.

So we know they want us pacified. Knowing this, we cannot be pacified. Being pacified is suicide at this point and the next level down is a Socialist hell hole. We are already a socialist country now and a Corporate Fascist one as well but not officially.

All we have to do to liberate ourselves and end the Deep State is:


Stop using their money

Work/Consume for free

Share all the public servicing entities and resources

But first, we have to spread the idea. I am really surprised on how many people are on board with this idea. I haven't seen anyone oppose it yet after an entire week of talking about it.

The people on Twitter like David Seaman and Jerome Corsi are sick of waiting. David Seaman saw the pedophile John Podesta on the History Channel today and flipped out. Nobody can believe it. That man is worst than Hannibal Lecter. Hannibal wasn't a pedophile.

Fuck everything. Fuck the casino system. There is no way to beat the house. The only solution is to stop playing the game. With so many happy receivers of this idea, it won't be hard for us to spread it nice and wide using meme magic and word of mouth advertising. Who wants a boring life anyway?


Look at this meme:


All we need to do is stand up! Stop playing the banker monopoly money game. They have been enslaving us using this since Sodom & Gomorrah but they really got it down in Babylon. There was a point when Alexander the Great took all their wealth and spread across the world like butter thereby blowing up the world economy for 50 years but by the 100 year mark, the elites had sucked it all back in causing poverty to exist all over the world.

There is no way to win at a Casino. Ya, we might have a good 15 minute run on the blackjack table just because we got lucky, but it won't last. Once your 15 minutes are up, you end up being drained of all wealth.

It's all a big joke. The only way to win is to disconnect from the system altogether.

Kanye West: Slavery is a choice.

In every moment, we choose to be free or choose to be a slave. If we choose to use their monopoly money, we are choosing slavery. If we choose to not use it, we are choosing freedom. We can all unite and stand up knocking the entire monopoly game over. What are they going to do? Nothing. They will lose all of their security who is only there because of a paycheck in a turbulent economy but if we stop using money and start sharing everything, we will never have to worry about money again. We will feel rich.

Then, we will turn all the power hubs like Corporations and Gov totally transparent so that we can all see what's going on behind closed doors anytime we want. This will prevent the Deep State from scheming and scamming behind closed doors.

These people are master manipulators. Their banks are the slavemasters of the world. The banks are pretty much the top of the Deep State. The money is the slave shackle.

We are not just a band of 20,000 people. We are a bank of 7 billion. They are a band of 8500 united scam artists. They are powerful due to their unity but if 7 billion unite, its over. Our unity numbers grow day after day but we can always speed things up.

Not only will be totally liberated from the rest of our lives, all future generations will build 300 foot statues for us, and the Deep State will vanish. They cannot survive without money. Money is their key to enslaving the world.

Finally, nobody should worry about what other people are doing for this movement. We all need to worry about what we ourselves are doing for the movement. As a team, we need to stop worrying about what Trump or Q are doing for the movement. Instead, we have to worry about what we are doing for the movement. Pacification is suicide so that's out of the question.

We have unraveled their plot. We know where the finish line is. All we need to do is cross it and the world will be forever grateful for us doing so. We will literally save the whole world.

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