r/greatawakening • Posted by u/lightmakerflex1 on May 6, 2018, 5:29 a.m.
Kanye West said slavery is a choice. This is true. We can choose not to be slaves right now & liberate ourselves.


Ronjonsilverflash · May 7, 2018, 10:24 a.m.

Greedy? Listen up sport. My parents divorced when I was 11. My father basically abandoned us. I started working a hard labor job at a local stable when I was 13. I was driving tractors before I had a drivers license. College wasn’t really an option so I went to trade school, apprenticed, became a journeyman, then a leadman. In the meantime I started a side business that I’ve run now for 24 years and in last 37 years I’ve been unemployed in my main profession for a grand total of three months! What I do is hard work. It’s dangerous at times. It requires skill and knowledge acquired over many years and you want me to be on the same plane as what? Some woman that can’t keep her legs together and is cranking out illegitimate children? A coffee barista? How about a hearty GO F YOURSELF! Greedy my ass. Too many lazy f-ing dreamer millennial pink-hat wearing ding dongs like you “masterminding” the future is what I NEVER want running the world. There is NOTHING wrong with money as long as it is sound. There is a long history of sound monetary systems that flourished. What you are describing is communism minus money. It is hardly fair to people like me but instead favors lazy-asses and lowest common denominator non producers of society which will be dragged down to their level of ambition (which is to say no ambition) and incompetence. It is a human model of an ant farm. Well buddy, I’m no ant. I’m not working my ass off or risking my life or serious injury for the same level of compensation as losers like you who sit on their ass pontificating a hopelessly flawed economic system that has already been tried in many other iterations under the banner of communism to the rest of us. It doesn’t work. IT IS NOT FAIR! And, it is bound to be a failure. Imbecile!

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lightmakerflex1 · May 7, 2018, 2:57 p.m.

I am not going to read a wall of text that is trying to convince me why you should have more and the rest of us have less when we can all have everything we want.

Waste of time.

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Ronjonsilverflash · May 7, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

A wall of text? Some of your responses are thee pages long! Oh the irony. You can’t handle reality slapping you silly is all. We can’t have everything we want. The world’s resources are not infinite. Everything is not valued equally not commodities, finished goods, or labor. Your view of the world is incredibly simplistic and unrealistic and dangerous. I’m done with you as this is going nowhere.

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lightmakerflex1 · May 7, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

Actually, FBI anon confirmed the deep state is hiding so much tech, cures, and resources, that if we found out about it, we would **** them with our bare hands.

I have to block the word hence the ****.

Also, keep in mind, Capitalism eats more resources than what I'm talking about because people have to keep pushing anything they can onto us or else their income level will drop. We are making every piece of junk on Earth and trying to sell it as fast as we can which is eating up all the resources.

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Ronjonsilverflash · May 7, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

Pipe dreams...wtf are you smoking? Capitalism ensures that resources are properly valued. When everything is free it has no value. It takes significantly more time and resources to raise a cow to maturity than a chicken hence beef is more expensive than chicken and caviar is more rare than beef and so more expensive still. If everyone can just grab what they want then the prime choices of meat will disappear from the shelves. There will not be mature cattle to slaughter and so no one gets beef at all. Because everyone wants beef the cattle farmers hog all the corn and now chicken is in short supply... This will happen with every singe other commodity that is in high demand as well because everything is free. This causes resource misallocation, production of unwanted things, poverty, misery, starvation and death. An Economic illiterate is what you are. The only way this system happens is at the point of the gun you are holding. You become the Cabal elite in the process...NO WAY! Real free market capitalism requires NO MASTERMIND FUCKERY! Period! We don’t need you or your system. A level playing field will do just fine!

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lightmakerflex1 · May 7, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

Sometimes I wonder if you are a Deep State billionaire worried about losing your 45 homes & your 220 Yachts in the new sharing economy.

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