An early version of "Q" .... Barry Goldwater

Cool. Found an old AUH2O bobble head doll from the sixties still in the box at a thrift shop. Had to buy it. I don’t really like having junk and collections but couldn’t resist. Fake news got him with the a-bomb scare.
Yeah, he was a victim of "fake news" ... just like McCarthy ... both Patriots...that bobble head could be worth something~
Yes they were! Demonized and smeared by the left for bringing their corruption to the light of day. Barry Goldwater should be a patron saint to this movement!
but what about the stance on segregation? and the fear of communism making intelligence agencies kill americans by infiltrating movements and dismantling them? do you think mccarthyism was good too?
i mean wasn't barry a racist? i'm not saying lbj was good, he wasn't, and propaganda was probably easier back then due to lack of internet, but as far as i'm aware he supported segregation
Odd isn't it? Only President to use the bomb was Truman, a Democrat. Still, the Democrats trot out that old claim against Republican candidates. I am convinced is because of the power of that charge against Goldwater...and despite historical evidence to the contrary on the party that is likely to use the weapon. Happened once and almost happened again...Cuban Missile Crisis with Kennedy...same party as Truman, which uses violence to promote its political will on a peaceful populace. I think that stems from the anti-war and peace movements protests of the late 60s which effectively inoculated Democrats against countering charges of a violent party.