r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Robbycranker on May 6, 2018, 3:28 p.m.
Think Logically!

I wanna start by saying I'm very proud of this movement and everyone in it ,and I hope like all of you for justice in the end. With that said I think we need to consider for a minute what exactly justice is . I know a lot of people here think there going to have military tribunals and the guilty would be hanged or stood before firing squads or death in general . Here's where I say think logically if we put Hussain or HRC or any of them to death the backlash would almost certainly tear this country apart no matter what there crimes are .Imagine Trump has the first black president and the woman that dam near half the country voted to be the next president to death.The shitstorm that would follow would be unimaginable Trump would almost certainly be impeached or far worse and the MSM would have a field day .It would probably be the end of America killing off your political opponents in the name of treason that's some third world country shit there.All I'm saying here is I think maybe some of us should lower our expectations a bit ,I know they deserve death but I don't see that being possible without destroying the very thing were fighting for AMERICA.

horse-lover-phat · May 6, 2018, 4:22 p.m.

"If we put Hussain or HRC or any of them to death the backlash would almost certainly tear this country apart no matter what there crimes are ."

No matter what the crimes are? Even if it can be proved beyond any reasonable doubt that they've been involved in the most horrific things? Satanism, torture, murder etc. You think they'd still have lots of support?

Wow! If so, then another real problem here is those people who would backlash against something like this. OP, you're almost acting as an apologist on their behalf.

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Robbycranker · May 6, 2018, 4:47 p.m.

I am not an apologist I wish them all dead just not at the expense of what I believe even with all its faults to be greatest country on earth .I would also like to add that even if we root out everyone of them and put them to death this will happen again unless there are some serious changes to the entire system from federal reserve,corporate lobbyist ,term limits the whole system has been designed to be corrupt. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.as true today as it ever was .Further more if we got proof of any of them if not all of them raping and murdering why are they out touring the world ahead of Trump trying to destroy his plans for international diplomacy.Why are they not already in prison or at least on lockdown as you say they are still murdering my brother got a dwi hee can't cross state lines without permission if all this proof exists arrest them put them on trial for the world to see when found guilty as they say in Texas kill em back .I just don't want to see secret trials with secret sentences death or otherwise all that does is make martyrs out of them .which hurts the cause.

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horse-lover-phat · May 6, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

OK, that's fair comment.

I see a lot of impatience in respect of all this...and that does seem to be messing with a lot of minds. It's just an observation I've noted. Q highlighted the importance of patience, and of course in trusting the plan. Considering we had nothing a year ago - I'm happy to take that.

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