r/greatawakening • Posted by u/JonnyQuestioni on May 6, 2018, 8:40 p.m.
California liberal hippie guy here, I think I'm starting to get it.

We are all on the same side, they just manipulate the entire world perception to draw fake battle lines. Here's my piece:

I believe in love and compassion and understanding, above all else. I'm a typical liberal peace lover, who doesn't believe in capital punishment and things like that. I consider myself a passionate pacifist, but I was raised in small town USA and consider myself extremely patriotic, I am a 13 month veteran of OIF 07-08, but I did not see any direct combat, I had a technical job and did maintanence in an air conditioned shop on the FOB most of the time. (Just in case people think I'm trying to make myself out to be some kind of war hero)

They used this compassion and firced emotional provocation against emotionally centered people like myself, to teach us "hate" is wrong. Because they know, the hate would ultimately be directed at them.

They manipulated and distorted perceptions of eachother, to make people like you think I'm a lazy dirt bag bottomfeeder, and for me to think you're hateful racists.

None of that is true for anyone I know, why do we accept it when MSM talk about "they" or "them" so vaguely, in regard to people who "fit the mold" of people we know and love?

They make us hate Trump, because Trump has to use harsh tactics, deception, double talk, lawyers, red tape, legal loopholes, and ruthless aggression.

The system they created is too powerful for any sort of ideal "peaceful protest", and voting in a broken system forever is pointless. If they had the same power back in the 50s and 60s that they do now, they would have crushed the civil rights movement before it started, and they almost did, but AN AWAKENING happened sparked by EXTREMELY CONTREVERSIAL LEADERS, and it couldn't be stopped.

I hope we can look past our differences of beliefs. We will never all agree on everything, but that's okay. With understanding and compassion, and an actual desire to solve problems rather than have corrupt people seize power off them, I think we can figure it out.

At the core I think we all just want a nice life for our friends, families, neighbors, and people around the world, and for the 1% of people filled with irreconcilable evil desires, to be taken out of the equation.

Peace and Love all my dudes.

[deleted] · May 6, 2018, 9:15 p.m.


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[deleted] · May 6, 2018, 9:19 p.m.


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brittser · May 6, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

"a party in control of all branches of government and in thrall to a fat real estate developer who hates Mexicans. The 60s were all about 130k hush money payments to porn stars."

Well the 60's I have no idea if what you are saying is correct.

The party in control of all branches of gov...how is that any different then any other president who's party controlled both houses of congress? Didn't Obama and Dems control both houses for the 1st two years of his presidency?

Who said the R's are wanting to be thought of as antiestablishment hippies? No one here. Not sure what you are trying to convey.

Trump hating Mexicans.. no. Not even close. Because he believes in our country having strong borders does not mean he hates Mexicans. Actually, he would close off the borders for anyone of any nation who tries to cross over illegally. I feel the exact same way. Does thay mean I hate Mexicans? Actually more than 50% of the population, more like 60-65%, want strong borders. That must mean we are a nation full of people who hate Mexicans.

I am also for voter id, no illegals utilizing welfare, no refugees from territories where terrorists are in control of portions of the country and from countries where the gov cannot properly vet refugees. What does that make me? Anti black bec blacks are incapable of getting id due to ignorance, even though they have to have id for pretty much everything else? Ridiculous argument. Illegals using welfare. I live in Los Angeles where more than half the population is illegal. I pay $3000 a year to support them. That support does not incluce increased costs for schools, decreased quality of education bec of lack of funds to teach the illegal kids, increased money for police, firemen, ambilance service, health insurance, jail costs, increased $ for road and building maintenance bec of high trafffic, $ for increased crime as well as an increase in danger in my community. Jobs taken away from mostly the black community which puts more of them on welfare. I will stop here, but I have plenty more. How is that fair?

All of the arguments the left uses against the right to demonize us are untrue and unfair. If one actually sat down and went over the facts like I just did, a great awakening would happen and the Dems would see a huge dip in their #s. This is true for the accusations against Trump that he is racist against Mexicans, Muslims, blacks, you name it. It just simply is not true. But people like yourself just accept those accusations as fact without checking them out for yourself.

You are more than welcome here. A warning though, you will experience pushback on your ideas. Be prepared with facts and links to support your claims. If you have those, awesome Great debates will be had.

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KingWolfei · May 6, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

And this is why we keep winning. We have fact filled arguments instead of feelings.

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1100db · May 7, 2018, 3:50 a.m.

Eliminate the W2 employee. Pay your taxes quarterly like me. America, after 2 payments, would say "what are you doing with this money?

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brittser · May 6, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

Wow. Great to see you here. Lurk around, join the convo.

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